
Authentic Achievements with Special Guest Kerry Jones

Authentic Achievements with Special Guest Kerry Jones

Authentic Achievements with Special Guest Kerry Jones

Unleashing Your Potential: Career Development Secrets with Executive Coach Kerry

Welcome back to Authentic Achievements! In this episode, your host Kim-Adele Randall dives deep into the world of career development with a special guest who’s not only a seasoned executive but also a passionate advocate for professional growth – Kerry, an Executive & Career Development Coach with over 16 years of senior corporate experience. T

une in as Kim-Adele and Kerry uncover the strategies and insights that have empowered ambitious professionals to rediscover their focus, confidence, and ultimately, achieve their career aspirations. From taking businesses to new heights to nurturing individual career paths, Kerry’s expertise shines through as she shares actionable advice and inspirational stories.

As a certified Coach accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), The Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM), and ABNLP, Kerry’s approach is rooted in excellence and tailored to each individual’s unique journey.

Whether you’re seeking 1:1 coaching, group sessions, or corporate partnerships, Kerry’s arsenal of tools and techniques is bound to ignite your professional trajectory. Beyond her professional accolades, Kerry’s warmth and authenticity shine through in every interaction. Join us as we explore her journey from the boardroom to the beachside haven of Brighton, where she resides with her loving family.

To learn more about Kerry visit, connect with her   / kerryjonescoach   or grab her free guide on imposter syndrome at

In this heartwarming episode Kerry shares her personal journey from the corporate world to coaching. Opens up about the challenges of imposter syndrome and the importance of having a safe space for vulnerability and growth. Her story is a testament to the power of self-discovery and the courage to pursue one’s true passion. Kerry’s dedication to helping others find their path and her belief in the transformative power of coaching shines through, offering listeners valuable insights and encouragement to seek the support they need to thrive.

Don’t miss out on this enriching conversation – hit that subscribe button, share with your network, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform. Together, let’s unlock your potential and soar to new heights!

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0:06[Applause] hello and welcome to this episode of authentic achievements where I am

0:12delighted to be joined by The Fabulous krie Jones krie welcome thank you so

0:17much I’m so looking forward to this conversation but before we get stuck in let me introduce you more properly to

0:24our audience so Ker’s an executive and career development coach with more than 16 years of senior experience in the

0:30corporate world as a coach She’s Been instrumental in helping ambitious professionals ReDiscover their focus and

0:36confidence enabling them to successfully build their careers and their businesses uh whether you’re wanting to take your

0:42business to the next level developing Your Role or simply looking for accountability and encouragement working

0:48with krie will inspire and challenge you to grow kri holds accreditations as a coach from the international coaching

0:54Federation The Institute of leadership and management and ab MLP in addition to

0:59our onetoone private coaching she collaborates with organizations to provide coaching services for their

1:05employees and K’s Services also include group coaching speaking engagements and webinars K loves living near the beach

1:12in Brighton with her husband and two amazing kids who’ve got it all going on my lovely haven’t you so it’s so lovely

1:19to have you here but can we start by you telling us a little bit about your journey so far yeah absolutely so um I think you

1:26read out in my in my bio my background is corporate so I was been um working in Canary War for about 16 years um I

1:34worked in marketing Communications roles so I headed up communications functions my last of those was um head of comms

1:40for barley Barley’s wealth management um and then I left the corporate world um having worked my way up ladder I left

1:47about 10 years ago when my youngest was born um I was a full-time stay-at home mom for a while which I absolutely loved

1:54um and then when my second one come along I decided to start my own business so I run my own marketing agency for a

1:59few few years and then um realized it really wasn’t what I wanted to do so I retrained and and became accreditor as a

2:06coach and I have been running my own coaching practice for nearly four years now wow it’s amazing that we have we

2:13seem to have orbited around each other because I equally worked for bry’s wealth oh really and then retrained as a

2:20coach later on after giving up corporate life I think sometimes you find your way back to your passion don’t you and the

2:26thing where you feel that you can add the most value so what is your purpose

2:31what’s your what’s your drive yeah I mean I get asked this a lot but the

2:36reason I decided to um move into coaching was I recognized when I was in

2:42corporate and as I worked my way out the ladder it was u a pretty lonely place

2:47you know I really struggled although you know I was doing well and my career was going in the right direction I really

2:52struggled with a number of things that I felt I had nobody that I could speak to about um no that I could really trust I

2:59didn’t know if the way that I was thinking and feeling about things was normal because people don’t really talk about it when they get to a senior level

3:05and so a lot of my passion a lot of the work I do now is giving people a space to be honest to feel safe that they can

3:13share some of the challenges that they are struggling with in their careers if they’re in in business or if they run

3:19their own business themselves obviously I I do that as well giv an opportunity to explore those to be honest to be

3:25vulnerable but also to figure out what to do next and I think think that is something that I would have valued so

3:32much um in my you know in my corporate years and in my early years and also my early years of building my business and

3:38it’s an absolute privilege that I’m able to provide that for other people oh that so resonates I know when I was going

3:45through corporate life it didn’t matter how many accolades or how high up you went what you tell yourself in your head

3:51um can be can be the total opposite and actually having somebody like you where you can have a safe space to say out

3:57loud and therefore look at it and understand it better um sometimes when

4:03you say it it just you hear for yourself that makes no sense and there’s probably

4:08something else so what would you say so far has been your biggest

4:14lesson um I think there’s a couple of of big lessons if I look back over the last

4:19s 10 or 20 years I think the the first big lesson that I’ve learned from kind

4:25of you know transitioning from you know corporate to running my own business then to transition to another business

4:31is that you don’t always have to do something just because you’re really good at it you know there’s almost like a a guilt factor of feeling unhappy in

4:40something when you should be really happy because you’re really good and everyone thinks you’re doing great and you know some people would absolutely

4:46love your job and you know but for me I realized that um I wasn’t happy doing

4:52what I was doing and I wish that someone had sort of said to me you know it’s okay to um move on from something even

4:59if you’re good it’s okay to move on and do something different so that’s something that I’ve learned it’s okay to keep moving um or keep trying new things

5:07and until you find really resonates um I suppose the other thing

5:13that I’ve learned again wish someone did told me was that um I for me I will get

5:20somewhere quicker and easier if I’ve got the right support structure around me so

5:26um I am maybe less so now but used to be very independent I can figure this out

5:33you know I’m an intelligent woman I must be able to do this um and didn’t necessarily ask for the right support

5:40and I wish um you know with hindsight I think if I had done I would have got where I wanted to go quicker and more

5:46importantly easier I love that such great advice because I think often we

5:51are really bad at asking for support and help and we are we do keep doing things

5:58longer than we then they bring us joy just because we know we can and they can add value one

6:04of the things I always I’ve always been really bad at is asking for help not necessarily from an over Independence

6:09Point of View but from not wanting to add to anybody else’s already busy day

6:15add but actually and somebody told me this and it really resonated I’d love to share it with you see if it resonates with you somebody said to me do you ever

6:21feel like that when somebody asks for your help I said no and I said I’m just

6:27grateful that I can help and it makes me feel good that I was able to move them

6:32forward so actually by not asking for support you’re denying somebody else that

6:37feeling of that that’s so true I think the other thing is that we don’t always know what kind of support we need you

6:43know like if I look back I didn’t really know that I would probably really benefit working with a coach um you know

6:49things like training and development and all the sort of things that are available in corporate life that was all

6:54that I knew was there I didn’t even realize that there was a whole kind of other Avenue is that I could could

7:01explore and you know you don’t know what you don’t know as I say so um I think that’s the other thing people don’t know

7:08what type of support they need even if they know they need something that’s that’s so true um it’s and it’s hard

7:15isn’t it to not because everything’s so busy right there’s so information coming

7:22at us that it’s hard isn’t it to sift through and find um find the bit that’s

7:27actually going to resonate yeah it does and it can take a bit of time and I think that um mostly um people find

7:34coaches in particular I don’t know if you find this to be true through recommendations so you know but in order to be able to even have those

7:40conversations there has to be a touch of vulnerability from somebody say oh do you happen to know anybody or this the

7:46sort of thing I’m struggling with have you struggled with this before given people an opportunity to go well yeah actually have you thought about you know

7:53working with a coach or exploring these um different Avenues yeah because we do have to and

7:59actually also takes some vulnerability on behalf of the person who’s being coached to open up to the people that

8:05they know that they’ve using a coach because I know I don’t same you know

8:10when when you in corporate life but almost for for many years having a coach felt like you weren’t doing good enough

8:17because you needed somebody to support you as opposed to actually it being the

8:22the additional support that’s going to be the Catalyst to to get you through to

8:27the next stage and the ones beyond that and then you hear that all the senior team have coaches you know and you’re oh

8:34okay well they seem to be doing all right and it’s not because they’re not achieving um yeah you know I think they

8:40there used to be I’m not sure if there is such a stigma these days there used to be a real science stigma around kind

8:46of using coaches because of underperformance or or whatever but I think now that I think culturally it’s

8:52changed a little bit and people recognize that investing in themsel is really important and you know OB invest

8:59in a coach is one of the ways that people can do that and you know most senior leaders most senior teams will

9:05have a coach of some kind you know um so I don’t think it’s as unusual perhaps

9:11now as it used to be no I think I think you’re right I think that they know the whole world’s evolving on this and we

9:16know that you know every top athlete actor business person politician you

9:21name it everybody at the top of their game has at least one if not many coaches in their support structure

9:28because of that knowledgement of the need to have somebody who can give you

9:33that safe space to be vulnerable and really explore and understand what’s going on why you’re

9:40thinking what you’re thinking what the options can be and and allow you to find the path that works for you isn’t it

9:47yeah and I think that’s why so many people when they start coaching never want to stop they’re like oh it’s brilliant I never knew this this service

9:53existed you know um I know most of my clients pretty much all of them will want to renew because they’re like I

9:58just didn’t realize that this was available to me and you know almost like when you get a taste of something you’re like yeah I can see why this is going to

10:05be really good for me yeah it’s that is so true so what would you say has been

10:11your proudest achievement so far um well I think for I mean again I

10:20can never think of one um I think my proudest achievement has probably been a mom if I’m honest and a non-working one

10:27so I have two gorgeous kids um one’s eight and one is 10 so year three and year six um and I am so proud of my kids

10:37they’re they’re just amazing um they bring such Joy they’re wonderful little people um and I’m really I’m really

10:43proud of them I think they’re probably my my biggest achievement I think connected to them is I’m proud of the

10:49fact that I’ve been able to step away from um a corporate life and a life that

10:54I knew wasn’t making me happy it wasn’t enabling me to you know be a present um to be able to be the mom I wanted to be

11:02and build my own business so to able to build around our family structure

11:07something that worked for me personally um but also that worked for us as a family I’m really proud of that and um

11:14you know it’s not perfect um and they’re still very little and I’m sure it’ll evolve as time goes on but you know

11:21stepping away from a lucrative career is isn’t always easy you know and um and

11:27I’m and I look back I I’m not even sure how I really did it maybe it’s all the hormones the baby hormones at the time

11:33um but I’m really proud of that and um you know and and I love I love what I do

11:38which I think it makes a big difference I love being able to help so many people and there’s a real I mean I’m sure you

11:44get the same there’s a real sense of achievement being a coach you know you know that you’re really helping people you’re really impacting people you’re

11:51sharing your life with people you know and you know that you’re making a big impact on how their lives are going to turn out as well yeah it is one of the

11:58the Great gifts and I must admit my little girl is my North Star she’s seven so

12:04just yours in Year too and actually I I find myself the same inadvertently

12:11coaching her constantly her I spot her using some of those

12:16coaching I’m like oh my goodness I’ve set off like the youngest coach

12:22into my my my eldest is is uh often coaches my youngest and uses the same

12:28terminology that I used and I’m like oh my goodness what have I done is it’s funny is when you hear your

12:34words play your played back um through through your children I think you know

12:40that’s when we see when we see the real impact of having um that support you know I I watch her and she’ll coach her

12:46little friends and then you see them resolving things that previously had been a massive problem and you’re like

12:54that’s how I feel when I resolve things she goes like she’s so proud of herself because she was able to help and I think

13:00it’s those gifts isn’t it about how to get people to um see beyond just the

13:06challenge that they’re in right now and and I agree I think you know the fact that you were able to move from that

13:13corporate life and and invest in doing something that brings you Joy is also a

13:19great gift for your children because it shows it shows them you I often think children don’t learn by what we say and

13:25what they do they learn by how we are what we are and how we show up in the world so if we’re saying one thing and

13:31doing something else like do the thing that brings you Joy and then you’re dragging yourself into something that

13:36doesn’t bring you Joy then that causes a conflict doesn’t it for them in their growth yeah no definitely I mean we talk

13:43a lot in our house about that gratitudes and being present and you know um always

13:48trying to you know flip in mindset you know my kids are learning Lots at school about know growth and fixed mindset um

13:56yeah it’s it’s become quite natural to us I suppose maybe that’s my influence um probably is more so than my husband’s

14:03um but I just think it’s such important life lessons for them you know to be able to to like you say not just see the

14:10problem that’s right in front of them but to see the bigger picture but also to to acknowledge that they have choices

14:17that they can make they can they can choose how they think and feel about those situations just like we can as

14:23adults might not be able to impact the outcome you know they might not get to choose not go to school but they can

14:30certainly choose um their mindset around how they’re going to feel about it and how they’re going to show up and and

14:36it’s really similar lessons isn’t it when we’re talking to clients as well and things that we’re trying to encourage them of you know what’s in

14:42your control what’s not in your control what can you control um yeah I mean I’m

14:47I’m hoping I’m sure they’re gonna I’m sure they’re gonna turn out all right at the moment look like they will I’m sure

14:54they will and and you’re also teaching them around that being constantly curious I like you know to be

15:01openminded I love when you look at really little children is they are just curious about everything everything and

15:06they’ve got such Wonder in the world um and and we we kind of lose it a little

15:12bit don’t we should get old and we we need to instead have the answer or not be seen to not have an answer and rather

15:19than just being curious like that why are we doing this why does that look like that and and how do we how do we

15:27view things with that wonder that they that they bring I often

15:33sit back and reflect on how Scarlet’s observed a situation and and seeing

15:39things in it I’ve not seen because I’m so used to the situation that you’re like you you just becomes hidden in

15:45plain side doesn’t it yeah no I think you’re absolutely right I’m certainly finding out with my two as well so one

15:52of the things before you before we came on when we were chatting on Linkin was really around and we’ve touched on it

15:58slightly uh you know and those feelings around impostor syndrome and where

16:03people can be their own biggest critic and it’s quite prevalent isn’t it yeah I

16:10mean it was definitely something that um I struggled with when I was incorporate I still struggle with now if I’m honest

16:16you know being a being a business owner isn’t isn’t an easy ride always is it so um I think particularly in corporate I

16:23didn’t realize that it was a thing like I don’t think I ever heard people talk

16:28about imposter syndrome um or you know or even that people were particularly

16:33struggling you know I certainly was in the culture where people talk much about their feelings or things that they were

16:39struggling with um and I think for me impost syndrome showed up a lot more the

16:45higher up the corporate ladder I got so you know you notice that you know you’ve been called into CEO’s office and you’re

16:51having you know you’re presenting to the exact team of bar BLS and you know these these things that actually I was fine

16:59doing I was able to hold my own and I did a good job but the inner critic obviously has a field day you know what

17:06are you doing here who do you think you are doing this uh they’re not going to listen to what they say they’re going to

17:11dismiss you what if it all goes wrong I mean it’s incessant isn’t it if if you actually listen to it um and I think

17:19over time I didn’t really I didn’t really have any tools or techniques of what to do with it I just thought that

17:25it was me and and I think so for me a lot of my inner critic came because um I

17:33was almost like the first uh like like Trailblazer in my family you know I I

17:38didn’t come from a particularly academic or professional kind of family as it

17:44were um and so there was always that who do you think you are kind of voice that

17:50I struggled with when I was was younger um and I think you know some of that does carry across into coaching you know

17:58we still have those I do find myself comparing myself to other coaches you know look how wonderful or successful

18:04this one is or this one or look what they’re doing or maybe I should do you know but the difference is now I can

18:10recognize what’s going on I I I’m pretty good at telling that critic to be quiet

18:17um and I can kind of understand a lot more that this is really normal this is just like this is just what successful

18:25or any kind of you know person does when they when they’re struggling with things that are uncomfortable or unknown so um

18:32and I think in process synd like it shows up in so many of my clients you know my pretty much all my clients are

18:39um senior in their field I I um coach a lot of um partners and Associates at law

18:45firms and you know directors within companies and most of them they might not call it imposter syndrome because

18:52they’re not educated around but exactly the same you know the same kind of inner

18:58critic that comes up the the lack of confidence the wobbles of self-belief of course it does it’s you know it’s not it

19:05happens to all of us um and trick is just well there isn’t really a trick but

19:10it’s there’s such power in recognizing that it’s

19:16normal um but also just learning a few of those kind of quieter things that can

19:21you know quiet in the voice so you can just crack on with your day without being sort of taunted by it yes it’s so

19:29true it’s find finding those um almost those strategies to reframe in the minute isn’t it you I I remember having

19:35horrendous horrendous imposter syndrome all the time I was in corporate life and H and it is as you say it’s incessant

19:42what we say to ourselves and it sounds so plausible like we say sounds so

19:48plausible and and we say things to ourselves that we would never say to another loving person we’re so mean to

19:55ourselves in kind of how critical we we can be and I think it is one of those

20:01where um working with somebody so that you can get some strategies to go in

20:06this moment how do I regain control over the conversation in my head so actually

20:13I’m able to to move forward and I sometimes wonder whether it’s more around th those

20:20um it’s kind of I think we we live think we live everywhere on the Spectrum but there’s kind of like a confidence

20:26spectrum and I think sometimes we swing over here where our belief is less than

20:31our ability and that’s when we start to have that doubt what we really want to try and do is live in the Middle where

20:37our belief and our ability are in complete alignment but it’s hard to stay in that space so it’s being kind to

20:42yourself as well isn’t it and acknowledging that um there will be a situation or a day that crops up and he

20:48suddenly tell yourself something awful again it’s like okay catch myself in that and I can I can reframe that and

20:56and see how best I want to move forward and a lot of it for me it’s been around like just knowing who I am you know like

21:03knowing actually taking the time you over time and coaching and whatever to

21:08actually figure out who I am what I’m good at what I’m not so good at you know understand my own limitations and have a

21:16like a deeper sense of self-awareness because then when that inner critic starts having a good old go you can kind

21:22of go well that’s not actually true like I know myself I know I I know who I am

21:28know what I’m good at know but I also know who I am as a person and that’s just not true it’s that kind of

21:34evidence-based thing isn’t it sometimes you know we use with clients and we go well what evidence do you have for that

21:40belief you know what has what’s happened in that that that has caused you to come to that conclusion and often you know

21:47clients are like well actually I don’t have any evidence you know it is almost

21:53a lie some of the things that we tell us because there isn’t any evidence for them so I I found that deeply helpful I

22:00mean some of that is obviously maturity isn’t it and getting older to know ourselves a bit better um and there also

22:06sort of say to cents it’s it’s really important that you um you do have things

22:13like folders of achievements and you do have um you know toand testimonials from

22:18clients or from stakeholders and you know when you can’t think of anything positive or everything’s going pair

22:25shaped you do have something some evidence to the cont tree do you have a do you have a a

22:31feedback folder so um so one of my one of my friends introduced me to the big

22:36me up book yeah she she has which I now have in carry around a little notebook

22:42that you can take anywhere where you write in what people have said or things that you’ve achieved so that you can quickly flick through it in those

22:48moments they never they never come at the right time in my office right now I could I

22:54could turn around and I could get to that folder um so so she with that which

22:59yeah I love when I sh I share with clients because it kind of builds also on onto those FS achievement because you

23:05do need to um acknowledge and I guess for me one of the other things that really helped me when I was going

23:11through it was I suddenly realized that inadvertently I was making my opinion

23:16that I wasn’t very good and I was incapable and I was going to get found out more valid and more credible than

23:24the opinions of people I aspired to be like so these people were telling me really good at this they were giving me

23:29Awards and things and I was going if any you knew if any you knew I knew you wouldn’t be doing this and suddenly

23:36stopped myself went so do you really think your opinion is of more value than

23:41theirs and I said well no because don’t value my opinion at all in myself how rubbish I am and so I started to do a

23:48piece where I was like do you know I’m GNA borrow their opinion and I’m G do my level best to not let them down so if

23:56they believe I can do it I’m gonna borrow their belief and then I’m gonna try really hard to make sure I don’t let

24:01them down and it was amazing how much that was able to change and I I do that now I did with my little girl actually

24:07last week she came home and she was like momm I can’t do this math and I’m rubbish at it and I’m never going to be good at it and I was like okay let’s

24:13just just for a minute sit with Mommy and let’s just do a belief thing so I sat around looking at me and I was like

24:19look at Mommy’s eyes first thing I need to ask you is do you trust me and she was like yes Mommy I said have I ever

24:25lied to you she was like no Mommy okay be that in mind I believe you can do it

24:31I absolutely know you can do it so if you don’t believe borrow my belief I

24:36said I’m going to say it until you tell me the belief in so we probably went through it three or four times and then she was like Mommy the belief in I said

24:42okay try try a m and she nailed it she absolutely nailed it so now she comes up

24:47occasionally like Mommy can we do that belief thing again I’ve got my homework to do in I love that do you know what I

24:53could have done with that last night so I was having a really similar conversation with my eldest who’s trying to learn her lines for the school like

25:00play thing she’s like I can’t do it I can’t do it I can’t do okay let’s stop we’re in the car actually on the way to

25:05gymnastics okay she was trying to learn them in the passenger seat I was like okay well let’s just reframe this let’s

25:11look a positive mindset and we talked you know very similar but I love your idea I might try that with her about

25:16sort of borrowing my belief in her to see whether um that changes things yeah

25:21I just think it you know came to me from you when youd look at if you woke up tomorrow and I said tomorrow you’re

25:27going to wake up and you’re going to have to learn how to walk or talk or run or jump or skip you’d be overwhelmed we

25:33all would and yet at our most vulnerable when we couldn’t do anything else for ourselves we learned to do them and so I

25:40started really looking at it and going why is that how do we do it and I think it comes down to belief in two parts the

25:46first is kids believe they just like you you can do it so they can do it they’ve got no they’ve got no filter of how

25:53difficult or complicated is but second I’ve yet to see a child learn to walk that have at least one adult nearby

25:59going come on you’ve got this you’re so close so we give them our belief to add

26:05to their own yeah and to me that has been one of the things that kind of been working on with with scarlet and with

26:11clients is if in times where you need some extra belief borrow mine because I

26:16won’t tell you I believe in you if I don’t believe in you I’m not going to lie to you um but if I do borrow it

26:23because that might just give you the extra energy push you need to get you

26:28through the other side absolutely and you know when I think back to like the the sort of advice I would have given a

26:33younger me it would have been a lot of that it would have been like you know surround yourself krie with people who

26:39believe in you surround yourself with people who have that Vibe of like are you can achieve anything and even if you

26:46uh even if you don’t believe it I believe it for you and you know and having a a network or a support

26:53structure of that kind of people around you is so important like I’ve realized

26:59that now as I’m older oh my goodness a younger kry would have absolutely benefited from from that as well oh I

27:05love that that’s great that’s great advice you preempted my next question you’re which is what would you

27:12what do you know now that you’d go back and and love to do earlier and I I love that piece around making sure that

27:18you’re supported with surrounded by the right support and the right infrastructure to be able to to get you

27:24through and you know what and sometimes it doesn’t even have to be people sign like you know being really mindful of

27:30what you’re listening to what podcast you’re listen to you know how what kind of books that you’re reading I didn’t

27:35even realize that you how much of our mind is affected by those sorts of

27:40things all know there things you watch on TV you know and I think also that I

27:47was um that would have been really helpful to me because I was you know as I say

27:53kind of bought up with fairly low expectations of I could achieve in life

28:00yeah and I wasn’t surrounded by anybody apart from my history teacher at school who told me krie you can go to college

28:06you’ll be able to go to university and I was like you know but his belief in me then meant I did go to college and I did

28:13go to univers and you know the rest is history but just having people around you who believe in you who will cheer

28:21you on even when you can’t see it yourself even when you can’t believe it

28:26yourself is just so valuable and that’s one of the things we do I know as coaches isn’t it we we make sure

28:33obviously we’re trying to help our clients have belief in themselves but you know sometimes they do borrow a

28:38little I’m sure inadvertedly borrow a little bit of our faith and our belief in them as well yeah no I love that and

28:45I think I think we do a friend of mine calls it having you thrive Hive so having the people around you that are

28:51gonna you going to help you thrive and and have the you they have their different parts to play you know I’ve

28:56got somebody in mind who is the um person who’s going to give you kick in the pants that you need you know when

29:03you need to just move forward but I’ve also got the person that’s going to Sugar the pill for me when I’m not quite ready for tough love yeah I’d like but

29:11the bit is I know all of them have got my best interest at heart and I I love that I could literally chat to you all

29:17day but I’m very conscious of time so how can people get in touch with you I mean obviously we’ll have it all in the

29:23show notes but how best do they get to speak to you come come and find me everyone LinkedIn so I spend quite a bit

29:29of time there uh come and connect with me on LinkedIn that’s always good obviously my my website is um below

29:35there’s some free resources on there particularly around imposter syndrome under the free resour section there’s a a workbook and some videos you know if

29:42that’s helpful then download those have a little look at those but yeah come come and connect with me there fabulous

29:48krie it’s been an absolute Delight thank you so much for joining us and sharing such invaluable Insight than thanks for

29:55having me pleasure until next time

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