
Authentic Achievement with Special Guest Walt Hampton

Authentic Achievement with Special Guest Walt Hampton

Authentic Achievement with Special Guest Walt Hampton

Welcome to another inspiring episode of Authentic Achievements! In this episode, our host, Kim-Adele Randall, sits down with the remarkable Walt Hampton, J.D., the Founder and CEO of Summit Success International, and Acquisitions Director at Summit Press Publishers. Walt is a powerhouse in the world of personal and professional development, renowned for his work as a business coach, management consultant, leadership trainer, and motivational speaker.

About Our Guest: Walt Hampton, J.D.

Walt Hampton is a celebrated author, with his book Journeys on the Edge: Living a Life That Matters named a Top 10 Non-Fiction Book and earning him two North American Book Awards. His second book, The Power Principles of Time Mastery: Do Less, Make More, Have Fun, further establishes his expertise in helping people maximize their potential and achieve more while enjoying the journey.

A graduate of Cornell Law School, Walt spent nearly three decades as the managing partner of a law firm specializing in commercial litigation and criminal defense. His journey then led him to become a Results Coach, trained by Robbins Research International, where he worked directly with Tony Robbins as one of Tony’s elite-level certified business coaches.

Highlights from the Episode

Walt’s Journey: From the courtroom to the mountains, discover how Walt transitioned from a successful law career to becoming a globally recognized coach and author.

Time Mastery: Learn the power principles that can help you do less, make more, and have fun.

Adventure and Passion: Walt shares his passion for high-altitude mountaineering, ultra-distance running, blue-water sailing, and adventure photography, and how these pursuits fuel his professional success.

Inspiration and Motivation: Walt’s story is a testament to living a life filled with purpose and passion. Hear his insights on leadership, personal development, and achieving your own authentic success.

Connect with Walt Hampton


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hello and welcome to this episode of authentic achievements where is my absolute privilege to be joined by The

0:07Fabulous Walt Hampton JD Walt welcome I am so happy to be with you today Kim

0:13it’s such a privilege and a gift thank you for having me oh bless you I’m am so so excited about this conversation I

0:19mean well where do we start so before we crack on with our conversation let me share with the viewers a little bit more

0:25about you and your journey so far and it is quite the journey so you are a

0:31Visionary leader and the driving force behind Summit success International which is a renowned Global personal and

0:37professional development firm as the Acquisitions director of summit press Publishers you spearhead the creation of

0:42influential expert positioning Books A versatile professional you succeed and

0:47Excel as a business coach Management Consultant leadership training and motivational speaker and are the

0:53bestselling author of Journeys on the edge living a life that matters and the power principles of time do less make

0:59more and have fun and as a 1984 graduate of the Cornell Law School your

1:05distinguished career includes nearly 30 years as managing partner in commercial litigation and criminal defense you’ve

1:11been trained by Robins research international and are an elite level certified business coach one one of

1:18actual Tony Robbins Elite coaches himself and passionate about high altitud manering ultra distance running

1:25Blue Water sailing and Adventure photography you would clearly have more hours than we do and you and your wife

1:31the publisher and Shabani reside in Intervale new New Hampshire so how do

1:37you trick time and get so many more hours well you can never trick time and

1:44that’s that’s the problem one needs one needs actually to create better practices and the word that no one

1:51really likes disciplines uh good good practices and disciplines and then um

1:58perhaps the most important word of all for high Achievers the word

2:05no no no and no is a full sentence uh complete sentence and no is really

2:13hard to say for most of your audience our audience today I suspect but we’ve

2:20got to say no to the stuff that doesn’t lead to the to the important things the

2:25the the things that really matter oh that’s it’s so true and it’s such a small world to be such a hard word isn’t

2:33it because we often feel the need to justify it with another 15 sentences

2:39that’s why it is no and and that art of being able to just say no full stop

2:45takes real practice doesn’t it it does it does and and even before you get to

2:51the practice clarity about what you really value what you really want what

2:56really matters what what you really want to achieve uh because with that filter it becomes

3:04somewhat easier to say no yeah yeah I I love that it’s it really is about that

3:10Focus but I mean we’ve jumped straight in but I’d love to know come winders back and it was my fault you is we can tell I’m into the

3:18fun piece um but if you could tell me a little bit more about your amazing journey I mean I don’t even know where

3:24your start but what a fascinating life you’ve LED so far uh and and

3:30yes and I feel very um I feel very lucky um and privileged it is a is it a gift

3:37it is a gift um to be able to come to a place in life that is rich and full and

3:44deeply satisfying I as you mentioned I was a trial lawyer for 30 years uh once

3:50a lawyer always a lawyer uh so that that’s part of the tool belt I carry um

3:55but uh for me even though I loved G Law School I had always from the get-go

4:03found lawyering very abrasive and contentious and not not to overly

4:09dramatize it but soul sucking that it really didn’t feed that deep part of me

4:15uh and so when I had the opportunity to move into coaching it became a much more

4:23collaborative type of work that I just love to do uh and so the uh the skills

4:30of lawyering still inform my work of you know communication and problem solving

4:35and you know the ability to actually look into someone’s business future or

4:41Life future and say don’t go there I’ve I’ve litigated all of the mistakes that

4:47could possibly made don’t do that um so those skills um are are valuable and the

4:56work I get to do now is is is beautifully collaborative and co-creative and you you mentioned the uh

5:04the High Altitude mountaineering um I my passions are high altitude mountaineering ultra distance running

5:10Adventure photography um having the those passions I think help

5:18balance a richful and joyful life I I play we live on the edge of the northern

5:24uh the National Forest in the White Mountains of New Hampshire and we um run and play and climb and Ski and uh um

5:32Frolic uh in the mountains two or three times a week um and and that time

5:39away paradoxically for most high Achievers is is really what keeps the

5:44fuel High to continue to do the important work we’re called to do in the

5:49world that’s it’s so true and you mentioned the word balance and I think that’s something that we um that we can

5:57often find quite hard can’t I get people talk to me all the time about well how do you maintain balance I like well it’s

6:02in the moment so sometimes you’ll be out of balance sometimes it will feel very work heavy sometimes it will feel very

6:09play Heavy but as long as it’s not always one or always the other then you

6:14find that equilibrium and that balance and that ability to recharge your battery don’t you so that you are able

6:21to do both well absolutely I the way I teach it is a I I used to talk when I

6:27began this work now 17 years ago about work life balance and as you suggest

6:33we’re that’s that’s a myth a fallacy it’s more like a cafe table on a CO

6:39cobblestone street it’s you know it’s all it’s it’s it’s always a bit out of balance but if we’re Mindful and

6:46intentional about feeding all of those pieces of our lives our financial lives

6:52our business lives but also our relational lives our spiritual lives our physical lives if we can really

6:59understand that all of that is what adds to a rich and full and deeply satisfying

7:05life and that we can become more intentional I think life becomes sweeter

7:10yeah yeah and I love that you so eloquently Al always use the word intentional because I think that’s the

7:17part isn’t it it’s about being really present and making a conscious intentional choice about what whatever

7:24it is that you’re going to do because that’s what it always comes down to isn’t it is our choice and whether or

7:29not we did it we did it fully consciously yeah um one of my favorite

7:36more recent books is by Dr Edith Edgar um and her book is the choice she was in

7:43the camps um at the same time the great Victor Frankle was there they became

7:49friends in later lives and of course Franco’s book uh 20th century classic

7:54man search for meeting um Edith talks about in moment regardless of our

8:01circumstances we have the power to make a choice and it really is slowing down

8:06that action in our mind so that we are in that moment more Mindful and

8:12intentional because most of us um listening today um we get into that

8:17slipstream of our days and our weeks and our lives and time just happen just just

8:23slides through the glass yeah it’s it’s so true it’s so easy isn’t it to to get

8:29lost in the moment and I’ve got a little girl she’s seven and a half and I always say to her everything comes down to

8:34choice so she’s very quick to label and she like oh momy I was naughty no you weren’t you may you made a You made a

8:41naughty choice but you’re not you’re not your choice you get to make a new one you got to make a brand new one that one

8:47didn’t serve you you can make a different one you don’t have to hold on to it and drag it into the rest of your future and I think we we see that a lot

8:55as adults don’t we we kind of have made a bad choice and then we there’s that old saying isn’t it you’ve made your bed

9:00you’ve got to lie in it but you can get out of bed and make it again what a what a beautiful gift

9:07you’re giving your daughter because that is we yes because we do have that self-

9:12judgment and that self- debation and that doesn’t serveice it’s in this moment I get to make a different Choice

9:20yeah and I guess for me I it took me a long time to unlearn what I’d learned

9:26which was you cling on to it and then you become that label so I’m trying really hard to make sure what I’ve

9:31learned in my life I can help her not have to you know go through the go through the same Journey but

9:40how talk to me about kind of that transition I mean you’ve said about moving out of of kind of law because it

9:46didn’t really didn’t feel your feel your passion and your purpose and this one clearly does this one clearly sings from

9:52your soul um so how did you find that and then what were the challenges you

9:58faced both internally and externally in in making that

10:04leap and and it was less a leap than it was a a

10:10crawling staggering lurching motion um so I was I was the managing partner of

10:18very successful law firm uh we did great work meaningful work important work we

10:23made a lot of money which was great um but as I suggested I was never deeply deeply happy and I um discovered my

10:34amazing wife an Shabani um we crossed paths in 2005 and we’re married in 2007

10:42just one of the greatest Gifts of my life oh and um she for our very first

10:48Christmas said you know I think we should go to Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within I I bought two tickets for

10:54us and I said oh oh no honey I’m I’m a very tightly wound trial I don’t go to

11:00things like that and jump on chairs and and drink Kool-Aid and she said no no I think it would be good for us uh and she

11:07dragged me Kicking and Screaming um and it changed our lives uh we um enrolled

11:14in Tony’s two-year Mastery University uh along the way I was invited to become a

11:22coach and at that time I had no clue it was kind of even at the beginning of what coaching was I said oh no I coached

11:27my son’s soccer team don’t need that um but when I experienced coaching I

11:34thought oh my God this is it it’s it takes all of my tools and interests and

11:39desire to serve and connect with people and it it’s for good and for uh Co

11:46co-creation um and so very slowly over the course of time with my own coach I I

11:53would often use the metaphor that I’d have one foot on this dock which I knew

12:00which was lawyering and then this other foot on this Rocky boat that was this place I wanted to go uh and there were

12:08three or four or five years where there was just this tension between where I was and where I thought I wanted to be

12:16and miraculously after five years one day I woke up and thought Oh I’m very

12:22far from that land and isn’t this an amazing Voyage um but it was what’s

12:28tricky for those who are listening who are high Achievers and not to gender

12:34this because I think it crosses genders but I think it’s p particularly pernicious for for men is that we get

12:41our identities caught up in the thing we do uh and many of my colleagues

12:50um will come to me and say how did you escape I’ve been so happy all my my career some of my dear friends have

12:57literally literally died at their desks unhappy uh and the truth is that we only have this

13:05one wild and precious life as Mary Oliver suggests and the question is what we going to do with it but you asked me

13:13what that the difficulty was was that it was letting go and stepping into a

13:19different identity uh and that was very scary and very uncomfortable at times

13:26yeah and you’re right we we very often do get defined by ourselves and others

13:32by what it is what it is that we do what are you and and we’re not what

13:39we’re not what we do we are that’s just a little bit of us isn’t it there’s like so much more um but it can be really

13:47hard to um to show up as who you are and and be bigger than the job you’re doing

13:56um so I completely empath I with that with that with that Journey with that

14:02because um it’s we you’ve got to take that that leap of faith into the unknown haven’t

14:09you and when you’ve spent your life doing one thing and being seen as one thing that becomes um as much the

14:17stability becomes a bit of the anchor doesn’t it you got to Wrangle away from

14:23yes yeah very much so very much so and having you know I I have had a coach in

14:30my life I think good coaches have coaches have had a coach in my life since the very beginning and she had

14:35been a lawyer uh who had made made the the leap and I I think it’s very hard to do by

14:42ourselves uh to create that next iteration of Our Lives I think it’s very hard to do I think by ourselves I I

14:50completely agree you know I I’ve had a coach for for years but but I think whatever we do in life it’s always

14:56easier to have an external person help us with it because we we can get too hung up in our head can’t we and what we

15:03say inside our head can sound so very plausible so very real that we can’t

15:10possibly we can’t possibly get ourselves past it and yet when somebody else comes along and and helps you to see that we

15:17live in a world of polarity there’s for every up there’s a down for every left there’s a right whatever we’re fearful

15:23of doesn’t exist unless what we’re hopeful for also exists and so we have

15:29to be able to decide which one do we want to focus on what we’re fearful of or what we’re hopeful for because we

15:34created both of them we imagined both of them in the same brain and I think sometimes having that external coach

15:40helps us to see that to see that it’s not just somebody said to me once it’s

15:47all right but things are black and white and I was like that’s interesting which shade of black are you using because officially there’s 18 in the ink

15:53industry like you joking I was like no so there is no defin there’s no such

15:58thing as the Divinity because it only exists with its counter opposite doesn’t

16:04it and your clients are so lucky to have you that imagery is is so beautiful and

16:10so powerful and yeah it’s just so spoton God bless you thank you um I think

16:16sometimes it’s it’s trying to simplify it because that how Works in my brain so I simplify it then it makes easier to

16:24understand yeah and I think that is one of our challenges we over complic at things don’t we we we kind of turn

16:31everything into a dark art um that therefore is too too frightening to try and do because it’s a dark art we’re not

16:39we’re not magicians so how do you help people to

16:45um to realize that actually it’s not a dark art that it is something that’s

16:51within them that is time to come out I think as we evolve into our adult

16:59lives and grow in Grace and wisdom we a couple of things happen we make

17:06those early choices and the old model um the model that I grew up with is you

17:13went to school you worked hard in school you graduated you you got the plum job

17:20you worked hard in the plum job you got the corner office office and then you retired and moved someplace warm and

17:27played golf uh and and so the idea uh for many um and I you know thankfully

17:35that’s not the case with the younger Millennials Gen Y Gen Zed you know there’s a sense of fluidity and flow but

17:42for many of the folks who come to me there’s one of the hardest things is well this is what I chose this is what

17:49I’m supposed to be this is what I’ll always be and so that’s one thing that gets in the way the other is that what

17:55happens along the way is we start taking taking it all way too seriously and you

18:01and I before we went live uh um started cutting up um and I love that um having

18:07having a bit of fun um I think when we begin to hold the possibilities with

18:13more lightness more creativity and begin to to experiment with this next chapter

18:21that begin to begin to create even a side hustle if you will or not even a

18:29Hustle but I’m curious about what it might be like to lean in and to write or

18:35to speak or maybe to become a coach or I wonder what it would be like to take my

18:41knowledge and turn it into a program that might serve more people in the

18:47world just from that place of wonderment and coming back to that very primary

18:54thing that is part of your daughter’s lexicon right now which is and creativity and hold it with more

19:02lightness um and the the ability just to stay inquisitive around it to say

19:09curious around it that’s really the key not to not to feel locked in and just

19:15and to connect again with that Curiosity I love that I talk about

19:21curiosity all the time with self and others I’m curious why do I think that why do you think this why do they think

19:27the other because then you really start to to kind of open up and I think we’ve been hamstrung um over the years with

19:35some of the sayings that have been P down like sticks and stones will never hurt words sticks and stones may break

19:40our bones but words will never hurt us and we now know words hurt and they hurt deep and we had another one which was

19:46curiosity killed the cat and it’s like no curiosity curiosity is so vital to

19:53allow us to be able to be playful to to take life less seriously you know not

20:01every single decision we make is a matter of life and death some of them we will you it will be fine we don’t have

20:08to go into every one of them but it’s how do we cultivate that um curiosity

20:14because as a society particularly as a society of high achieving leaders being vulnerable enough to say I

20:24don’t know I’m curious what do you think takes a lot more strength than it does

20:29to shut people down and go this is the way we do it doesn’t it well and there’s

20:35a step even before that Kim which is frightening by itself which is

20:41actually opening up the space for oneself to enter that place of

20:47curiosity because you know I think it was Pascal who said uh the a human’s uh

20:54greatest fear is being alone in the quiet or I just that butchered that but

21:00uh but getting quiet being still opening up the space where we’re not always

21:07connected we’re not always hearing the inundation of Social and news and text

21:13messages uh opening up that quiet space allows us to enter into that place of

21:20curiosity um and deep listening because the answers we have the answers the answers are always here we we you know

21:28your audience my audience um tends to process up here in our brilliant frontal

21:34cores um but to to the detriment of of connecting with our beautiful hearts and

21:40our hearts always know the answer it’s true it is it is that connection and I

21:46think all we we’ve convinced ourselves that we’re logical rational human beings and yet neuroscientifically proven our

21:53emotional brain responds 24 times faster than our thinking brain so something happens we make it means something so

22:00we’re not responding to what happened we’re responding to what we made it mean and we might have made it mean something very different to everybody else and

22:08like you say until we take that step back and connect back into ourselves why have we made why have we made it mean

22:14this what’s that telling us what do we really want to know we can’t we can’t get that true curiosity to connect back

22:23with ourselves can we that’s absolutely true and coming back to being

22:29intentional um it we must be intentional about creating and opening that space um

22:36and sometimes it can be uncomfortable to take enough time and space you know my

22:45um amazing business partner and wife and I sometimes will take as much as three

22:50or four weeks away we were uh up to ever Bas

22:56Camp last year year before last for uh 17 days entirely Off the Grid and the

23:03amount of rest and Recreation Recreation Recreation Recreation that we had

23:10allowed us when we came back to create such amazing momentum in our business lives but again it’s paradoxical because

23:17we think we need to stay in it all of the time I I love that I I believe that

23:23sometimes they um there’s a phrase of being being called um

23:29positive procrastination so instead of sitting there and just doing doing doing doing actually taking yourself away from

23:35it and just doing something totally different instead allows you to start to

23:40rejuvenate and to recreate as you as you say retap into that inner source of

23:46energy that then allows you to come out and deliver significantly more than you

23:52would have if You’ just stayed at the grindstone and that can feel

23:57counterintuitive for us can’t it so and scary yeah yeah so so what advice could

24:04you could you give the people listening about what steps they can take if they they want to um try and reconnect and

24:13and take that leap back to themselves how might they start

24:19it it’s it’s a wonderful question I just wrote a Blog today about starting over

24:24this the rules of starting over are the same as the rules of starting out uh and you start out with little tiny

24:32steps you you well you know I’m I’m an ultra distance Runner I don’t know how to run 50 miles I mean that’s just even

24:40to say that you run 50 miles sounds sounds impossible to do I know how to run a step and then I know how to take

24:47the next step I’ve stood on five of the Seven Summits of the world I can’t tell you how to how it’s possible to climb up

24:55to you know 25,000 ft but you do it one step at a time and so if we can just

25:02take a little step maybe commit to um you know I’m going to take an afternoon

25:09off or I’m G to take three hours off this afternoon and I’m going to go to

25:15the coffee shop without my cell phone and I’m going to sit and I’m going to open up my journal and I’m just going to

25:22free flow what do I really want what do I really want what would make my heart Happy and

25:30just to or even just to go and sip a cup of coffee for part of that three hours

25:36so just Tiny Steps if we can commit to creating and you know and this this is

25:42the next step can we can we create to a regular practice of this because the

25:49magic of anything the magic of Career Success business success running success climbing success um spiritual success is

25:57is are those daily practices and disciplines that that nurture our souls

26:03and hearts amazing and you’re right is about that that consistency and I I loved that

26:10you know you you kind of that that piece around just asking yourself what you want because I often find and I don’t

26:17know if this resonates what with you with people come to you they’re very clear on what they don’t want and their

26:23goals are written in the negative I don’t want to be overweight I don’t want to be unsuccessful I don’t want to do

26:28this I don’t like okay what do you want because if all you’re focusing on is

26:33what you don’t want you’re going to get more of it um because our brain doesn’t understand the difference um so taking

26:41just taking those things when we tell ourselves something we don’t want the time to say so what do I want instead

26:48and set the goals that way it’s so invaluable isn’t it to to making that shift it is and there’s just one little

26:54interesting Nuance for high Achievers which is some people will come to me and sayi

27:01want to create an exciting next chapter but I don’t know what I want I don’t know we we we lose touch with what we

27:09want and I was listening to a wonderful interview uh with Wayne between Wayne

27:14Dyer and Esther Hicks of the Law of Attraction and they were talking about connecting with what what one wants and

27:20Wayne asked her well what if we don’t know what we want and and she posited

27:26this beautiful statement then hold the statement I want to know

27:32what I want and there was a period of time four or five years ago even that I wasn’t clear about where I wanted this

27:39next iteration to go and on my runs and my journaling I just come back to I want to know what I want I want to know what

27:46I want and that itself will begin to draw Clarity yeah I live that I’ve just

27:53been reading actually the um complete works of Florence Scoville shin and um

27:58she has one in there that is um please give me the clarity of what is my Divine

28:07path and I love that one I use that I use that often when I’m feeling like I’m not I’m not sure I’m not certain it’s

28:14like please just give me the clarity let me see um what what is my Divine path

28:19what is it I’m supposed to do and then from that place staying open and curious

28:25that’s it yeah it’s it there so many many conversations I love to have with

28:30you and I’m very conscious we’re getting so close to time if there were one um um

28:37one nugget that that you think this is what really made a change for me and and

28:42this is the the thing I wish I’d learned sooner um what would that

28:49be I’ll just weave a couple of things together um there isn’t there isn’t one

28:55path there are so many paths yeah your heart will always know what that right

29:02path is take the time to connect to your heart because your heart always

29:07knows it’s so true isn’t it it’s it’s that it’s that intuitive piece that we

29:14then spend the next five minutes trying to convince ourselves is wrong it’s doing those parts well it has

29:21been an absolute absolute Delight you’ve shared so much insight and it’s been so

29:28so much fun thank you for joining us I will ensure everything is in the notes below but how can people reach out and

29:35get in touch with you and learn how they can learn how to live their life of of

29:40Wonder I’ve got a very complicated URL C it’s Walt I made it up

29:48myself thanks to your parents earlier on so that’s a good place to start

29:56brilliant well it’s been a delight to until next time thank you so much a gift and a privilege thank you for having me

30:02take care

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