
Authentic Achievements with Special Guest Ingeborg Mooiweer

Authentic Achievements with special guest Ingeborg Mooiweer

Authentic Achievements with Special Guest Ingeborg Mooiweer

Embracing Emotional Healing and Resilience: Insights from Ingeborg Mooiweer on “Authentic Achievements”

In the latest episode of “Authentic Achievements,” the host engages in a profound conversation with Ingeborg Mooiweer, an international pioneer in transformation. They delve into the complexities of personal growth, emotional healing, and overcoming adversity. Ingeborg shares her experiences growing up with a narcissistic mother, which shaped her understanding of resilience and emotional health. This blog post will break down the key insights and actionable advice shared in the episode, providing a comprehensive guide for listeners seeking to embark on their journey of self-discovery and healing.

Getting Started on the Journey of Self-Discovery

Recognising the Need for Change

The discussion begins with the host, Kim-Adele Randall, acknowledging the difficulty of embarking on an inward journey to confront hidden fears and unresolved issues. Ingeborg emphasises that many people feel stuck despite trying various methods to improve their lives, such as reading self-help books or listening to motivational podcasts. When these efforts fail to yield results, individuals often reach a breaking point where the pain of remaining stagnant becomes unbearable. This realisation catalyses change.

Actionable Advice:

Self-Assessment: Reflect on areas where you feel stuck or need to be fulfilled. Journaling can be a helpful tool to identify patterns and recurring themes.

Readiness for Change: Acknowledge the need for change and be honest about your readiness to confront underlying issues. This self-awareness is the first step toward transformation.

Commitment to the Work

Ingeborg explains that the key to initiating this transformative process is recognising the need for change and being ready to confront the underlying issues. True transformation requires a deep commitment to the work involved. It’s essential for individuals to feel a firm conviction that they must undertake this journey to achieve the desired change. This conviction acts as a guiding light during challenging times, reminding them of their ultimate goal.

Actionable Advice:

Set Intentions: Clearly define your intentions and goals for your healing journey. Write them down and revisit them regularly to stay focused and motivated.

Create a Support System: Surround yourself with supportive individuals who can encourage and hold you accountable. These can include friends, family, or a therapist.

The Role of Pain in Transformation

Pain as a Motivator

The conversation shifts to the role of pain in motivating individuals to seek change. Ingeborg shares her belief that significant pain can serve as a powerful motivator. For her, the desire to break the cycle of pain and trauma was crucial in her decision to engage in inner work. The host resonates with this sentiment, sharing a personal story about a health scare that prompted her to reflect on her legacy as a parent. She realised that her children learn from what she says and who she is. This realisation drove her to confront her issues, ensuring she wouldn’t pass on her struggles to her children.

Actionable Advice:

Identify Pain Points: Reflect on the areas of your life that cause significant pain or discomfort. Understanding these pain points can help you identify the changes needed.

Use Pain as Fuel: Channel the energy from your pain into motivation for personal growth. Let the desire to break free from suffering drive your commitment to healing.

Protecting Loved Ones

Ingeborg reinforces the idea that the burden of wanting to protect loved ones can be a strong motivator for personal growth. When the pain of staying the same outweighs the fear of the unknown, individuals often find the courage to take that first step toward healing.

Actionable Advice:

Consider Impact on Others: Reflect on how your unresolved issues may affect those around you, especially loved ones. Use this awareness as motivation to pursue healing.

Lead by Example: Demonstrate healthy coping mechanisms and emotional resilience to inspire and positively influence those around you.

Embracing Imperfection and Seeking Help

Accepting Imperfection

As the conversation progresses, the host and Ingeborg discuss the importance of embracing imperfection. The host reflects on her breakthrough moment when she realised that striving for perfection was unrealistic and burdensome. Accepting that it’s okay to be imperfect can be liberating, allowing individuals to focus on progress rather than perfection.

Actionable Advice:

Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself and recognise that imperfection is a natural part of the human experience. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small.

Set Realistic Expectations: Avoid setting unattainable standards for yourself. Focus on achievable goals and acknowledge your efforts.

Seeking Help

Ingeborg adds that seeking help is a vital part of the healing process. She shares her experiences of navigating her challenges alone, only to find it ineffective. The support of others can provide the necessary guidance and encouragement to move forward. This message resonates with the host, who acknowledges that many people feel pressured to handle their struggles independently, often leading to isolation and overwhelm.

Actionable Advice:

Reach Out for Support: Don’t hesitate to seek help from therapists, counsellors, or support groups. Professional guidance can provide valuable insights and tools for healing.

Build a Support Network: Cultivate relationships with individuals who understand and support your journey. Sharing your experiences with others can reduce feelings of isolation.

Advice for the Younger Self

Believing in Yourself

Towards the end of the episode, the host asks Ingeborg what advice she would give her younger self. Ingeborg’s response is simple yet profound: “Believe in myself earlier.” She reflects on how this belief could have accelerated her healing journey. However, she also acknowledges that everyone must walk their path and that the lessons learned along the way are invaluable.

Actionable Advice:

Cultivate Self-Belief: Practice affirmations and positive self-talk to build confidence and self-belief. Remind yourself of your strengths and achievements.

Embrace Your Journey: Recognise that your path is unique and that every experience contributes to your growth. Trust the process and be patient with yourself.

Conclusion and Connection

As the episode draws close, the host expresses gratitude for the insightful conversation and encourages listeners to reach out to Ingeborg through her social media platforms and website. The discussion highlights the significance of emotional healing, the courage to confront one’s past, and the importance of seeking support in the journey toward personal transformation.

Listeners are left with hope and empowerment, inspired to take steps toward healing and self-discovery. The episode reminds listeners that while the journey may be challenging, it is also deeply rewarding, leading to a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Connect with Ingeborg Mooiweer:

Website: Metamindbreakthrough

Social Media: Instagram, LinkedIn

By embracing the insights and actionable advice shared in this episode, you can embark on your own emotional healing and resilience journey, ultimately achieving authentic success in your life.

Call to Action

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0:05[Applause] hello and welcome to this episode of authentic achievements where it’s my

0:12absolute Delight to be Jo joined by The Fabulous ingore movier ingore it’s so

0:18lovely to have you here welcome hello thank you thank you so before we get

0:24stuck in as I know we always do because whenever ingore and I start chatting we let time run away with us let me

0:30introduce her a little bit more broadly to those of you that haven’t met her yet so ingore is an international Pioneer in

0:36transformation her journey from adversity to empowerment shapes her mission to change lives worldwide she

0:42was raised in Holland ad admidst uncertainty and emotional turmoil she developed resilience from her young age

0:49navigating a challenging environment marked by parental divorce and psychological abuse leaving home at 16

0:55she pursued a degree in hotel management and later thrived in London’s bus luxury

1:00hotel industry balancing motherhood with a successful corporate career she discovered her true calling healing

1:07others innermost traumas now a renowned business and personal relationship Alchemist inore guides individuals and

1:15organizations towards transformative experience fostering trust and

1:20collaboration I mean what an amazing journey that you’ve been on inore and what I love is that you’re using that

1:27lived experience to help others who are facing a similar soon to be lived

1:33experience but tell us more about that journey and how you how you managed to

1:38navigate it so so beautifully yeah well

1:43um I grew up uh with the uh with a narcissistic

1:49mother um and that gave me uh well a lot of

1:54trauma um and obviously because I was young I couldn’t leave the house um I

2:02did leave eventually at 16 uh to live on my own uh which was good in a sense

2:09because I got some peace and and and quiet uh quietness um but obviously I

2:16had to learn myself actually I I grew up myself I couldn’t rely on her and and

2:25being in that environment is very very toxic so you developing a lot of

2:31survival mechanisms which I did um I dissociated that’s stepping out your

2:39feelings and putting them aside um and yeah rationalizing in my

2:46head so I’m I’m very good at analyzing and and uh yeah

2:53making surviving actually making making my life um and so I started studying and

3:02and I continued and I always well part of me always felt that it wasn’t right

3:09what she did but obviously they’re very convincing and

3:15it’s your mother she’s very dominant so yeah part of me accepted it as well um

3:21so I uh SE out help went to to therapy

3:26to well to refind my identity and to undo the things she did to me um get my

3:35self-esteem and heal my inner child the the the the wound which was there so

3:42that that took some time as well that’s not like you know sort of one week or or

3:48whatever took some different types of therapy as well back then um yeah to get

3:55to the place where I’m now actually wow I mean that’s quite a journey and I

4:01was thinking when when you were chatting earlier it sounds like you’ve developed a a a skill that I think you know a lot

4:08of us particularly women have to develop which is the constant risk assessment of

4:13which is going to be the least dangerous course of action you know can I can I walk down here can I do this but but

4:18obviously on a much greater scale and to have to to have to go out into the world

4:23on your own and try and manage everything at 16 that’s that’s quite an undertaking

4:30yeah funnily enough I didn’t realize it I mean I told my sons the other day my

4:37oldest son is leaving the house for for his studies in in two weeks time he’s 20

4:44now um he’s we spoke about it when he was 18 and he said oh no but I can’t you

4:50know I’m still too sort of dependent on you um now he can but I told him he they

4:57know that I did that on six I thought I can’t even imagine how that is but I was

5:03so self-sufficient self-reliant I had to do it on my own

5:09because I had to do a lot of things like like now cooking and doing the washing and and and uh groceries and stuff like

5:17that cleaning so for me it wasn’t strangely as sound it wasn’t a big

5:23change it was more and it’s that

5:31um you know when there is somebody there even if you’re the one having to do it you you at least know you’re not in the

5:37house on your own don’t I don’t what comfort that gives me I live on my own with with a seveny old so I still have

5:42to do all of the things but just the fact that you know that you’re not completely on your own for on some level gives you um gives me an extra level of

5:51of resilience and I’m thinking you know I’m I’m significantly older than 60 or 51 um I can’t begin to imagine and

5:59thinking about you my my friend’s children and brother’s children who are you similar age I can’t begin to

6:06comprehend what that must have felt like yeah it felt very lonely in a sense

6:15but I think I sort of realized later on that I felt so lonely because it was

6:20so I was so used to it from a very age I had so many things I had to find out for

6:27myself choose a college things like that you know which you normally do with your parents you talk

6:33about it you go um I had to apply for my college myself I had to find out like the the

6:42hotel business as well that’s the thing it’s very broad study so it’s it was a good one but normally discuss that you

6:49go to like these evenings and days and you can find out I I choose myself you

6:56know sort of little things but really big things in in itself um so there’s a

7:02lot of yeah loneliness I felt alone a lot of times and I’m very yeah resilient

7:09starting there doing things on my own very hyper independent um that’s what they call it

7:17and you know one of the things you talked about earlier having to go back and and do different forms of counseling

7:23to um to address the what had been done and actually how we make it you how we

7:30then interpret it because we we create those personalities don’t we when by the age of seven and then we infor them at

7:37the age of 14 and we embed them at the age of 21 and if we don’t go back and redo work I always call it the you know

7:44update your operating system you know said I’m 51 um so if I had touched mine since I was 21 I’m running on 30y Old

7:51out ofate software that probably’s got more than the odd bug in it that needs me to go back and look at it um but

7:58going back and looking at it it’s no easy feet is it no it’s not no it’s not

8:04and you really need someone to guide you there because it has to be like

8:10emotionally safe uh because we have this mechanism inside ourselves everybody has that

8:17going from Pain to pleasure so if you try to do it on your own go to that pain

8:24to that wound you always go back you always go to another place there’s

8:29something you know your mind just tricks on you and and something pops up and you think oh gosh you know oh that feels

8:37better so I did and and everybody as far as I um feel about the whole situation

8:46know that you have to go back but you need someone to guide you there so be safe emotionally safe and sort of tiptoe

8:54the toe in the water thing and then go back and then another toe and sort of event eventually you start feeling that

9:01it’s okay to be there although very painful but you know that’s the healing

9:07you need to do because otherwise you’ll be stuck in the past well that’s I mean I often think

9:13that you only grow through your pain when you actually go through your pain and you actually look at it and

9:20understand it and um yeah and for me a big part of that was forgiving myself

9:25for my response to it and accepting that I was just a child and that that was that that it was okay

9:32it wasn’t it wasn’t being disloyal or or anything it was just it was okay to feel like that it was equally okay to

9:39recognize in my particular case the intention wasn’t there the impact might have been but the intention wasn’t

9:45whereas uh unfortunately for you you had a very different experience and so what

9:51would you say has been your proudest moment so far but the the proudest you ask yeah um

10:00well I think that I’ve been through it um that I

10:06survived and that I didn’t get I know there’s no judgment from me towards

10:11others but I didn’t get um drunk or or

10:17taking drugs or stuff like that so I I didn’t um moved into addiction I didn’t

10:24do any silly things uh yeah I mean I did

10:30silly things in my life obviously but no like the big major things um so yeah I’m

10:38proud of that and and I think I’m most proud is actually that I uh raised my

10:43kids to be very sort of healthy emotionally healthy

10:48boys very a lot of self-esteem and and selfworth and yeah didn’t had a good

10:56example uh but from what I hear from other people and and you know I feel myself as well that I did a good job

11:04with that that’s that’s most proudest I am yeah oh I can I can imagine because

11:09that’s I mean it’s such a feat when we’re given the blessing of of these little people to help become whoever they’re supposed

11:17to come um I mean they don’t come with a manual do they so as best you can and always put that

11:25their best interests in but you know when when you see them grow and flourish that I know that’s one of my proudest

11:32moments when when I get there and go look I might not have got everything right all along but actually you know if

11:39if you come out to be you kind um honest willing to try then we’ve probably not

11:46gone too far wrong but to to be able to deliver that for for your family when you haven’t had that um so you’ve had to

11:54create the opposite of what you what you did observe what you did have

11:59knowledge of to to be able to recreate the what should have been not the what

12:06was would that be fair yeah yeah I I really what you just

12:11said I made a very well more um decisions actually in doing things

12:18different like what I have I made a decision I want them to have self-esteem

12:25self-worth and be like uh well I’m as well but be honest people go for what

12:32they want uh talk about their feelings that was a big thing for me especially

12:38well for boys it’s a big thing but I wanted them that everything that they

12:44feel it’s okay we can talk about it you know you can be angry you can be

12:49whatever something happens you know talk to me and and and that’s that’s well I

12:56think I succeeded in that because that’s what they do the oldest more than the youngest but you know they feel their

13:03space it’s okay so that’s a very big thing yeah I made a decision to do

13:08different and apparently I could as well because yeah I didn’t know back then

13:15when I started out 20 years ago with them H but it worked out yeah I think

13:21it’s so important that we that we teach our children what the emotion is and how

13:26that’s perfectly acceptable and and we can talk about it and you know I do that with with scholet all the time um and

13:33sometimes she she’ll chat through and she’ll be like she’s got seven seven emotions going on all at once and I’m like that’s okay that can happen

13:40sometimes you know sometimes can be sad and mad and you know happy and confused

13:46all at the same time I know we get that as adults so it’s bound to feel like that a little bit as as children but I

13:52think you know helping people to understand that bottling them up doesn’t help um because turn up somewhere don’t

14:00they you keep pushing them down and you’ve mentioned they might turn up in addiction they might turn up in you know

14:05doing something silly or they you they can turn up I I had an example recently

14:10where acly my eye just start going I’ve been botling loads of stuff up and trying to deal with loads of other stuff

14:16and I sat down like is my eye twitching as much to everybody else as it is to me

14:21and they like no for twitch um and it was because I haven’t acknowledged for for a few days

14:27going through some you know big emotional things that were that were going on in my life having recently lost

14:33my father Etc and I’d been busy dealing with every make being emotionally there

14:39for everybody else my little girl’s got anxiety and that and I hadn’t done anything self-care related and your body

14:46steps in doesn’t it and goes hello tactical time out if you don’t take a moment I will make you stop um and for

14:54me fortunately you I’ve been doing a lot of the work so I acknowledged it very quickly

14:59did something about it but I’ve you I’ve seen examples of of that for people where it it has literally flawed them

15:07because they weren’t willing to look at it as it along the way yeah yeah yeah I

15:13can I can relate to that in in in a in a different way but

15:20um yeah I had like five ear operations on the left side yeah one and I know

15:29that the left side is your feeling side if if you look at it is sort of different uh modality left side feeling

15:37and this is the rational side the right hand side and thinking back then I think it’s

15:45it’s some in my in my body that thought uh because I couldn’t hear you know I

15:51had ear infections and I need stay there and eventually my hearing was really bad

15:57and I was thinking back that I thought well maybe that’s just the body once to shut down you know okay I can’t I’m not

16:06able to feel because I wasn’t allowed because I had to be different all the time okay and and the shouting and

16:13everything she said to me the the nasty words and stuff like that I think I just sort of shut

16:20off because it wasn’t like a sort of medical reason why I would get what I

16:26got um so yeah the body does interesting things yeah yeah it is

16:33amazing how how our what’s going on on the inside affects what ends up

16:38happening to us and how our body reacts to that because in very I found in my

16:44life you know you can you can Soldier on that probably was my term for a long

16:49time I just Soldier on um friend once to said I can’t decide if you’re incredibly strong or incredibly stupid I was like

16:55probably both in equal measures I’m Hest but you I’ll just focus on the thing I can do because I can’t deal with that or

17:02I don’t I don’t have an answer to it I don’t know where it’s going to go um and it wasn’t until the platform got

17:08too too hot that I actually had to go and do the inner work I had to go back

17:13and go okay that platform’s burning I now need to do something do do something

17:18different and that Journey Back inward was probably my most challenging ever um

17:25but one of my most rewarding ever as well because you were granted the freedom to let go of all of those

17:33beliefs that no longer served you um and those things that you I just say things

17:38to myself um that I would never say to another living person ever I would never be that mean or that cruel and yet you I

17:47was myself all of the time and so I think you when once you’ve done that

17:53once you once you’ve given yourself that gift of going back um

18:00it it changes everything doesn’t it it does it does yeah it’s it’s hard work

18:06like said it’s it’s not it’s not not fun um but it’s yeah it’s it’s rewarding it

18:14gives you freedom and and and a sort of um what is

18:21it a solid feeling it’s it’s sort of unmovable inside you know yourself you

18:28know your boundaries it’s it gives you peace that’s maybe it’s not maybe the

18:34the the good word but that’s what it does it’s a a sort quietness

18:39calmness strength um and you know from that place you can take uh make

18:46decisions which is good for you um yeah and it’s yeah gives you space freedom

18:54things it’s it’s really good it’s yeah the calmness maybe it’s not the good word but that’s what comes to mind no I

19:01think that that sums it up it’s that inner inner calm and that ability to um

19:09regain control when your emotions everywhere I’ve literally just last week taken my little girl to watch inside out

19:16too um and it was fascinating to watch when when you saw obviously anxiety comes in and it kind of all buzzing

19:23around and it was such a great visual way of depicting through through a film

19:28what you felt going on in your own body when you felt those moments we like yeah

19:33out of control everything I’m I’m kind of risk assessing nine million possibilities of which probably eight

19:41and a half million are very unlikely but I’m still doing it um and then being able to kind of regain regain that

19:47control so it was it was fascinating to watch having kind of gone through those parts but I think these are things where

19:54where we learn the lesson when we’ve gone through it don’t we and you’ve gone through so many what would you say has

20:00been the greatest lesson you’ve learned so far um never to put your feelings aside

20:09listen to that that that yeah if you want to call it Intuition or your

20:14feeling world or the your your knowing whatever you call it doesn’t matter um

20:21but that bit because it’s always it’s true for you anyone can say anything about it but

20:28for you it’s truth it’s good for you and that’s what you need to feel and that’s

20:34that calmness and everything and yeah that’s that will be my uh my biggest I

20:40love that it’s a great lesson to learn because you very often we get a good feeling about

20:46something and then immediately tell ourselves we’ve got to ignore that we’ve got to rationally work out where we’re

20:52going what what the options are and actually where does this fit in the in the greatest scheme of things and there’s been many times when I’ve been

20:59interviewing people as well it’s been many times where they go wish I just trusted my good Instinct in was always right um and

21:06actually when when I ignored it and knew I was going in the opposite direction it never worked out the way I expected it

21:13to it always um you brings it back round in in in a different space doesn’t it

21:19and it’s like but that again takes some you know it takes some changing you we think that we are perfectly rational

21:26logical beings and yet our emot brain responds 24 times faster than our

21:31thinking bra so we’re never responding to what’s happening we’re always responding to what we made it mean and

21:37for me that’s been one of my greatest questions to ask myself in the moment is what’s actually happening and what have

21:44I made it mean because I then pull myself back from oh yeah you’re over here you’ve made it mean something

21:49you’ve attached emotional U reference point to it and now you’re pulling it into those parts versus this is what’s

21:57actually happening right now now so can I you know can I deal with just that and sometimes you can’t compartmentalize

22:03sometimes it’s not right to do so but I find having that ability to be able to go maybe now it’s not the right time to

22:09deal with that needs to be dealt with today but it can be dealt with later on today allows me to navigate more

22:16challenging situations yeah yeah you can always go back because if you haven’t dealt with it it’s still in your system

22:24and the energy still there and and until you give it the the the time and and the

22:31attention it needs it will stay there and that’s what you just said your your

22:37body is going to give you signals like okay are you going to do something about it are you going to do something and the

22:44signals will be become bigger and bigger uh because you have to deal with it that’s the only way to move forward in a

22:51in a healthy sense yeah just acknowledge the feeling you know don’t have to

22:56change it you don’t have to analyze it or anything that’s what we want but you don’t it’s just the attention that’s the

23:04focus on that the attention and then it can you know get Space it’s it’s it’s

23:09okay that’s there and then we can move on I love that so we’ve already talked

23:16about the fact that making that decision making that choice to start inward to

23:21look at the you know look at what’s hidden under the bed how big the monsters are um is a hard one is you

23:29know it’s a challenge isn’t it it takes something so how do people get started how if someone’s watching this and and

23:36actually they they feel like they’re ready to you know have a peek so you see

23:42what’s there dip their toe in because I loved your analogy earlier excited by being emotionally safe making sure that

23:48you just take it you toe step at a time um so that you feel safe and you you are

23:54supported in going through that how do people know that the time’s wrong right for them and how did they get started

24:01well usually it’s people who are stuck they try many different other things

24:08they they read books they listen to podcasts which is obviously good for for the

24:14insides um but they’re still stuck and what I said they Char some some other

24:19things and and and they’re not moving forward that’s the time and at the same

24:25time the pain is like almost unbe terrible they want to change the pain is

24:31still there they try this to try that whatever uh and nothing is working

24:37that’s the time when you know that you well you can but it’s it’s good to make

24:42that step and start discovering uh because then you do the work that’s the whole

24:48thing because changing as you know is is hard takes time um and and so you really

24:55need to be sort of 100% convinced that this is going to you have

25:02to do this to make that change to transform um you need that H because

25:08when times obviously it’s it’s getting hard then you’ll keep that in mind because you want to to the end you want

25:16that transformation so you do the work yeah so that’s that’s what you need

25:22that you need to feel that almost like sort of in your bones okay I’m ready

25:28yeah I completely agree I know for me one my um my Catalyst was my little girl when I

25:35suddenly realized in I had a um had a health scare and and went to write her

25:40the letter you know in case I didn’t make it of all the things I’d want to share with her and I didn’t know where to start that letter because who does um

25:48and I went up to look at her and it suddenly hit me and in that moment as I was looking at her that children don’t

25:54learn by what we say and what they do they learn by how we are and who we are as well as all of those other things and

25:59that if I didn’t fix myself I didn’t go back and understand what was causing

26:04this then that might be my legacy that might be what I left her which is to carry that into her life um as I promise

26:12no matter how hard it got as long as I made it through the illness that I would go and look at whatever it was that was

26:18inside me that needed healing so that I didn’t pass that on to her so I think

26:23sometimes like you say you’ve got you’ve got to be ready for it you’ve got to have and for me personally it had to be

26:29carrying on wasn’t acceptable because thinking I could damage her in any way

26:37was too big a burden to bear it was like no she’s my responsibility to make sure

26:44I bring her up and and help her be you know full of confidence and you know out

26:50there curious about the world and the place she wants to play in it not trying to deal with whatever voices you’ve

26:57created in in in their head they’re then going to derail them for the rest of

27:02their life until you know they go do the piece of work to find out where

27:09it yeah so your pain was big enough yeah that’s how I translated so your burden

27:16was big enough your your your aim was big enough you don’t want to give it to her so that made you decide to do your

27:24inner work that’s it it was piece that said staying where I am is not accept it’s it’s it cannot continue and

27:32therefore the unknown was less scary than the known I think for me that was my to your point the you know the it was

27:40big enough that you needed to go it was like actually where I am is too scary the unknown is less scary than this

27:47because it can’t be as bad it’s be there got to be a got to be a

27:52different way through I chat all day as you but I’m

27:58conscious we’re coming up to time just before we get if there were one piece of advice and you’ve already shared such

28:04great Insight if there were one piece of advice you’d go back and give your younger self what would it

28:09be [Music] um believe in myself

28:15earlier yeah that would have been that would have changed things I think a bit

28:21quicker as well uh but then again you know you walked the path you need to

28:26walk um and I know now that um you have to feel

28:32it to be able to heal it yeah that’s if I knew that earlier as well but then

28:39again that’s for the same reason uh that would have helped me as well so I applaud people who are young and start

28:47doing the work because then yeah they can’t give it to their next Generation

28:52but most for themselves and the people around them and so it’s it’s good to get

28:58help you know you don’t have to do it on your own because I tried that before I

29:04seek help try on my own and and it doesn’t work doesn’t

29:10work I love that it doesn’t and I think often as well you know we we end up when

29:16we when we’re in that space um feeling like we have to do it for everybody else

29:21because we can’t do it for ourselves and you just pile on the problem you end up

29:26um end up getting crushed almost under the weight of um trying to be perfect in

29:31what is an imperfect being you we are perfectly imperfect that was probably my big

29:38breakthrough late in life it’s like it’s okay to be imperfect brilliant love say you don’t have to keep trying mean you

29:45don’t have to keep um trying to be the better version of yourself than you were yesterday but you no longer have to be

29:51perfect it was like that’s awesome that is that’s freedom I love

29:57that um it’s been such a delight to chat to you what is the best way people can get in touch and obviously I’ll make

30:03sure it’s all in the show notes below yeah well they can reach out uh obviously via the the the socials on

30:11LinkedIn and Instagram and Facebook all on my own

30:16name uh and fire my website metamind

30:22fabulous inore it’s been an absolute Joy I look forward to next time and thank you to everybody watching and listening

30:29the details of how to connect H with inore are all in the show notes below and we’d love to hear how you felt about

30:35the episode until next time take care [Music]

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