
Authentic Achievements with Special Guest Ernesto Mandowsky

Authentic Achievements with Special Guest Ernesto Mandowsky

Authentic Achievements with Special Guest Ernesto Mandowsky

Transforming Your Business: Insights from Ernesto on “Authentic Achievements”

In a recent episode of “Authentic Achievements,” host Kim-Adele Randall engages in a thought-provoking conversation with Ernesto Mandowsky, the founder of MDM, a training firm dedicated to transforming businesses through effective systems and automation. The discussion revolves around Ernesto’s insights into business transformation, emphasising the critical role of systems, the importance of automation, and the interconnectedness of various stakeholders within a business—namely, the company, its clients, and its employees.

The Landscape of Small Businesses

Ernesto begins by addressing a striking statistic from the U.S. Small Business Administration: approximately 80% of small businesses, defined as those with fewer than 500 employees, are operated by solopreneurs. This trend is mirrored in the UK and Europe, where many individuals prefer to work independently. However, Ansto suggests that this preference may stem more from a lack of knowledge about building a company than from a genuine desire to work alone. He identifies a significant gap in understanding how to create a thriving organisation.

The Five Recipes for Success

Ernesto introduces the “five recipes” essential for building a successful organisation. These recipes serve as a framework for entrepreneurs looking to scale their businesses effectively:

1. Transformation

This involves defining the core offer that a business delivers to its clients. Ernesto emphasises the importance of having a clear understanding of the transformation that the company provides, as this clarity is crucial for scaling operations.

Actionable Advice:

Define Your Core Offer: Clearly outline the transformation your product or service provides. What problem does it solve? What benefits does it deliver?

Create a Process: Develop a step-by-step process that guides clients from their starting point to their desired outcome. This process should be replicable and accessible for team members to follow.

2. Connection

Building strong relationships within the team and with clients is vital. Effective communication fosters collaboration and ensures everyone is aligned with the company’s goals.

Actionable Advice:

Foster Team Relationships: Encourage open communication and regular team-building activities to strengthen internal connections.

Engage with Clients: Regularly check in with clients to understand their needs and gather feedback. This helps build long-term relationships and improve your offerings.

3. Communication

Ernesto highlights that continuous communication is vital to maintaining a high-performing organisation. This includes regular meetings, reviews, and feedback loops that keep everyone informed and engaged.

Actionable Advice:

Implement Regular Meetings: Schedule weekly or bi-weekly meetings to discuss progress, challenges, and goals.

Feedback Loops: Create channels for continuous employee and client feedback. Use this feedback to make informed decisions and improvements.

4. Organisation

This recipe focuses on structuring teams and aligning them with specific tactics and tools. Ernesto explains that many entrepreneurs fear the mechanical aspects of building a business. Still, with the proper support—consultants, contractors, or advisors—they can create an environment where everyone can thrive.

Actionable Advice:

Define Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly outline each team member’s roles and responsibilities to avoid confusion and overlap.

Use Tools: Implement project management and communication tools to streamline operations and improve efficiency.

5. Actualisation

The final recipe is enabling team members to maximise their potential and freedom within the organisation. When individuals feel empowered to contribute and grow, the entire business benefits.

Actionable Advice:

Empower Employees: Provide opportunities for professional development and encourage employees to take ownership of their work.

Recognise Achievements: Regularly acknowledge and reward team members’ contributions to boost morale and motivation.

Overcoming Fear and Embracing Responsibility

Kim and Ernesto delve into the psychological barriers many solopreneurs face, particularly the fear of increased responsibility when hiring their first employee. Kim points out that this fear often leads entrepreneurs to believe their responsibilities double when they bring someone on board. However, Ernesto counters this notion by emphasising that hiring is not just about adding another mouth to feed; it’s about gaining an additional pair of hands to help grow the business.

Actionable Advice:

Shift Your Mindset: View hiring as an opportunity to share the workload and bring new skills and perspectives.

Start Small: Begin by hiring part-time or freelance help to ease into building a team.

Starting with Systems

Ernesto provides practical advice for entrepreneurs looking to implement systems in their businesses. He defines a system as aligning roles and tools to achieve specific outcomes. The first system he recommends entrepreneurs focus on is the transformation they offer. By creating a clear checklist of steps required to deliver their service, entrepreneurs can better understand their capacity and when they might need to hire additional help.

Actionable Advice:

Create Checklists: Develop detailed checklists for each business process to ensure consistency and efficiency.

Monitor Capacity: Regularly assess your workload and capacity to determine when to hire additional help.

The Importance of Continuous Improvement

Ernesto shares a personal anecdote from a recent networking event where he encountered a common mindset among early-stage entrepreneurs: the belief that they are “not ready yet” to take the next step. He encourages listeners to adopt a continuous improvement mindset, emphasising that every day presents an opportunity to enhance productivity and efficiency.

Actionable Advice:

Set Incremental Goals: Focus on making minor, incremental improvements rather than waiting for a significant breakthrough.

Regularly Review Processes: Continuously assess and refine your processes to stay ahead of the competition and respond to changing market demands.

Embracing the Journey

Kim reflects on the wisdom imparted by her grandparents, who taught her the importance of daily learning and living in the moment. She echoes Ernesto’s sentiment that entrepreneurs should not wait for the perfect conditions to take action. Instead, they should focus on the next step in their journey, even small ones.

Actionable Advice:

Take Immediate Action: Don’t wait for the perfect moment to act. Take small steps towards your goals every day.

Learn Continuously: Embrace a continuous learning and improvement mindset to stay adaptable and resilient.

Getting in Touch with Ernesto

As the conversation draws close, Ernesto invites listeners to take the first step towards clarity in their business goals. He offers a simple four-question assessment to help entrepreneurs evaluate their current situation and aspirations. This scorecard will provide personalised insights and videos to guide them on their journey.

Ernesto offers free strategy sessions to help entrepreneurs clarify their paths, regardless of whether they choose to work with him or another professional. His mission is to democratise transformation, ensuring all entrepreneurs can access the resources they need to succeed.

In this insightful episode of “Authentic Achievements,” Kim and Ernesto explore entrepreneurs’ challenges and opportunities in today’s business landscape. By emphasising the importance of systems, communication, and a supportive team environment, they provide valuable guidance for those looking to transform their businesses. The conversation serves as a reminder that every entrepreneur can take the next step towards success, and with the right mindset and tools, they can build organisations that thrive.

Listeners are encouraged to contact Ernesto for further support and utilise their available resources. The episode concludes with a call to action for entrepreneurs to embrace their journey, learn continuously, and take proactive steps towards their goals.



Call to Action

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0:00[Music] [Applause]

0:06hello and welcome to today’s episode of authentic achievements where it’s my absolute Delight to be joined by The

0:12Fabulous Ernesto man madowski anesto welcome thank you Kim happy to be here

0:20I’m so looking forward to this conversation I know it’s going to be packed full of insight but before we get

0:25stuck in let me share with those watching and listening a little bit more about you so anesto is the founder of

0:31MDM a training firm that transforms businesses into million dooll machines

0:37tapping into the powers of systems and automation anesta has developed an integrated growth system designed to

0:43multiply revenue and maximize Freedom his personal mission is to democratize

0:48business transformation tools and shares insights through the million dooll machine platform outside of work and EST

0:55enjoys reading books baking shallow bread working out and spending time with wife in Miami amazing I love that it’s

1:03that whole machine piece it terrifies lots of people to that soon as you start to say those

1:09words like machine and automation then people start to glaze over and so tell me about your journey Ane what what got

1:16you here and what’s driving you forward yeah well what got me here

1:22um was a passion that I think we all share and that is food and connection

1:30uh my family’s from around the world a few times a year growing up we’d get together in Miami and I was just really

1:37en have all those memories of like dancing in the living room and large family me we’re like Italian and French

1:43and we have Hispanic origin and so it’s always like a lively energy and when I was 18 years old I I

1:52hosted my own experience my first entrepreneurial experience where I rented out a nightclub and partnered

2:00with 15 different people and threw a party for 2,000 students to celebrate

2:06our graduation and I said wow this is like that same energy uh that I

2:11experienced as a kid and so that night I said I’m going to go into restaurants and I didn’t go to culinary

2:19school I went to engineering school because I was always fascinated with how

2:25things worked so through studying systems engineering I I understood how

2:31do you connect the dots how do you how do you build machines how do you start like understanding factory production

2:38and I said let’s apply this into restaurants and so for the next 10 years I spent my time

2:45in Fortune 500 in restaurant groups in Tech startups and what I learned what we

2:53were we were talking about earlier in the conversation so many companies are uh investing in technology but so few of

3:01them are actually following through and the people are actually implementing them it’s like the food waste problem so

3:06many restaurants are buying so much food but things are getting thrown out and so I realized that if you could create a

3:13way a a mechanized way that people are actually feeling amazing about their

3:20work feeling amazing while they are growing and contributing to an organization you can build a high

3:27performing business and so that led to starting million-dollar machine and uh

3:33my full-on entrepreneurial path that I’m on today I love that it’s so it’s so

3:38very true I think you know whatever um whatever industry we’re in whatever whatever operation that we’re running in

3:45if we can if we can get it right for the people then we can get it right for everybody else I always think in any

3:50organization you’ve got three people that you’re trying to please so you’ve

3:56got to please the company as in is it doing what the company needs are you making money because if not you don’t

4:01exist but that won’t happen unless you please the client because if you don’t please the client they’re not going to

4:06pay to be P member of the company um and so the company can’t win we aren’t going

4:11to get the clients and then the third one and the one that I often see missed in so many organizations is the colleague so actually if we’re not doing

4:18what’s right for the colleagues if we’re not creating an environment for them to thrive and to grow and to feel like

4:24they’re adding to that growth they’re not going to deliver the service to the client the client’s not going to be part so they’re all intrinsically linked

4:30aren’t they but they’re seen as totally separate elements is that something

4:37you’ve come across well I’ve I mean in all of my businesses and experience through

4:43studying systems engineering the idea is create something that is integrated and connected but

4:50everywhere is siloed teams are siloed divisions are siloed tools are siloed

4:56nothing’s connected and because information is not

5:03connected it actually contributes to so much

5:08overwhelm inside of the company inside of the clients and inside of the colleagues PE people like are getting so

5:16scattered when they’re looking for a file inside of their Google drive or in their canva repository or in their sales

5:22for and it’s like death by a Thousand Cuts it’s it’s these tiny moment they’re

5:28like invisible almost yeah people don’t even realize is contributing to the overwhelm but like it’s

5:35through connecting all these tiny millions of of of atoms in the company

5:41that lead to the spiraling growth for for any business yeah that’s it’s so true isn’t

5:49it because we get stuck as well you and we were chatting earlier we before we came on the show about the fact that

5:55very often as the founder or the owner you you become both the uh the Catapult

6:00and also the bottleneck in your own organization because you know how it works and you know how things are going

6:07to really work and grow but how do you get your knowledge what’s in your head out to the people that work with you so

6:12that they can do it your way and we can all be confident that we you know that we grow in that and add their own parts

6:18to it but that we’re growing in the same direction and I think therefore you

6:23having that mechanism having um that structure and I spent a lot of years

6:29working in financial services and therefore governance was one of the things that we had to do a lot of and

6:35iance is a great thing and making sure we understand how we’ve got to do things and then we’ve got checks and measures in place to ensure it happened which is

6:42kind of like a a simple machine piece in in engineering but the minute you say governance to people they literally

6:48start rocking no no no no governance is no governance no governance make it make

6:54it stop and yet I spent 30 years doing sales it’s like governance was the thing that got you the sales got to do the um

7:01the consistency for you to be able to have the scalability so how do you help

7:07people to put those um to move that mindset and start to think about putting in those um those mechanisms to enable

7:16them to have that growth to have that machine almost approach to what it is they’re doing well you got to start with

7:23uh Client First approach yeah so you mentioned three three stakeholders in

7:28your process there’s the company there’s the client and there’s the colleagues um the agent of the

7:34organization of the CL of the company is the founder so the first sale the first

7:41emotional Buy in is helping the founder recognize that

7:47what I do is around multiplying revenue and maximizing Freedom yeah and you know that sounds

7:55like a great marketing title but I mean think about it like when when you go deeper into multiplying Revenue it’s

8:01it’s like hey if you could automate your sales process or if you could Implement zap year or if you could now hire a team

8:09that is selling for you like that is multiplying Revenue yeah yeah what

8:14happens after you make a ton more money hopefully you have the time to enjoy it

8:21hopefully you can now have the freedom to enjoy your money or enjoy your family

8:27or enjoy traveling and doing what you love baking hollow bread that’s you know I include that specifically in my title

8:33so people know what do I do with my freedom um and so getting them to buy into to

8:39that because a lot of people are like oh let’s grow the business let’s grow the business they forget the freedom part they forget to continuously optimize for

8:46that and uh now you’re in this amazing high- performing business but you’re a

8:52slave to it yeah so I first get them to buy into that idea because if they don’t

8:58buy into that then all the systems recommendations and change it’s just so

9:04much mental energy uh to make that transition I I love that because you’re

9:10right it has to be has to be both doesn’t it you we’ve we got the revenue and then to get the freedom we need to

9:16automate we need to trust our team so very often those can be automation

9:21elements it can be leadership development elements but if you’ve got just the revenue without the freedom you

9:28become slave to your business business if you’ve got um freedom and no reing you have no business do you so you’ve

9:34got to you’ve kind of got to balance both just a hippie you’re just uh floating in the world enjoying yourself

9:41um but why why would you say then that the fa rate of failure is so high when people you know try these things and

9:48they they put them in um what is it that holds them back so I mentioned earlier this idea of

9:56overwhelm um overwhelm is is almost invisible inside of our

10:02daytoday uh it’s happening thousands of times when we we can’t find the file where we look at our task list and it’s

10:1020 items deep we look at our follow-up list and there’s 35 people so every time

10:15we’re you know we open up our internet browsers and there’s 50 tabs open there’s all these little signs that are

10:22it it is overwhelming there there’s so much information in your space

10:28and I think it’s this overwhelm that that kills organizations on the

10:33individual level when people look at the stat depending on the source you’ll find anywhere from 70 to 90% of small

10:40businesses will fail in the first five years and I believe that a big part of

10:46that high rate of failure is because early Founders um not newbies if you may they

10:56have never experienced this infinite pouring of information inside of their space and

11:03and because they don’t have the discipline to create the structure or or

11:08limit the or like magnify their focus on smaller things you know they’re just

11:13gonna just stay in the overwhelm and oh I’m overwhelmed and oh and they keep reinforcing the story of being

11:20overwhelmed that it they they manifest the future of of being overwhelmed and

11:26that leads to that failure I love that so true isn’t it I remember um my very first time running

11:32my first business when I was 18 thinking it was great and got a great idea and then on day one being terrified going oh

11:38my God I’m all I’m like I’m HR I’m it I’m payroll I’m like I didn’t have those

11:44skills I could do the thing that I knew how to do and and we can sometimes get very lost in that where we think we’ve

11:50now got to learn how to be good at all of those things learned that actually the best thing from for our business is

11:57for us to be doing what we’re best at all of the time and then building the system and the infrastructure around us

12:03to get other people that are great at the things that we’re not good at to add that value instead of us like you I’ve

12:10got to learn how to build a website now it’s yeah I don’t know how to do it is such a

12:17mindset shift and in Dan Sullivan’s idea of who not how and everyone says the same thing in a different way you know

12:24Zone gay Hendrick says the zone of Genius unique ability um

12:30but I think another like big shift that people can make is this idea

12:36that a smaller slice of a pie that’s 10 times as large is more than the whole

12:45pie with nothing in it yeah so a bit of like the Letting Go process um people

12:54are you know the economy and the news and everything and scarcity and the budget is everything’s going down and it’s going down so people are like going

13:00to Fiverr and they’re looking for the cheapest resources out there sometimes

13:06that’s not going to get you what you need you know you get what you pay for and so people can realize like okay

13:12maybe I’m giving 5% away of my company but like this person or these people or

13:17this team of people are going to come in and catapult Me to the Moon whether

13:22that’s you me a marketing agency who whoever but it’s it’s that shift that people can make is it is that mindset

13:30piece isn’t it because like you say we hang on and go yeah but you know I’d have to give away all of my control and

13:36like well you could have 100% of something that’s worth 50 P or you could have like 70% of something that’s worth

13:45100 million which one which one is actually which one do you want a smile on your face which one um you know but

13:52it is that that letting go and I I know sometimes I talk to to have some clients and there was some research when people

13:59are getting ready for H to retire sell the business but it’s not quite worth what they want it to be worth yet and

14:05they bring in an MD and in 85% of cases it fails and the reason it fails is

14:12they’re bringing an MD in their likeness because they believe that actually if it was just in their way it would grow

14:18instead of that you know that being able to to let go and like um I was liking it

14:25to you imagine your your parent and your child is now ready to go to University and you go where do you want them to go

14:31do you want them to go to Harvard Stanford Yale Cambridge or do you want them to go to the local University down

14:39the road and yeah people will all go well yeah Harvard Stanford yeah I’m in

14:44um it’s like right in that case like you’ve got to get a Harvard Stanford or Yale Professor there is no point you’re

14:51bringing in somebody who can teach down the road if you that next level you’ve got to trust that’s still your child

14:57that’s still your baby but actually you can give give that into trust to other

15:03people that are actually going to accelerate that growth that are going to be able to help it be the best it can

15:08possibly be and it’s still yours it’s still you that brought it together but

15:14going through that that mind shift can be quite a challenge for people can’t it

15:20oh yeah I I love that idea what you said like that’s a great that’s a great story

15:25actually great like metaphor to use thank you for sharing that thank you I well I think sometimes it’s it’s easy

15:31for us to understand the things when we bring them into everyday life that we can think about to good yeah you know I

15:40do that that I mean that is part of the reason why now I am using I mean you say

15:47s you said it right you say machine you say systems the eyes glaze over people

15:53freeze you know the nervous system just goes into fullon flight mode and

16:02uh I like to tell stories now through restaurants yeah I like to use because

16:07everyone goes out to eat or C or maybe if they not as often they cook at home like they they understand this idea of

16:13food yeah when people can relate to hey

16:18um it’s very important every day to clear inbox reschedule all incomplete

16:24tasks reschedule all uh con Salesforce follow-up

16:29if they liken that to the idea that at the end of the day a chef breaks down their station takes the toothbrush and

16:35is literally cleaning every single nook and cranny of their oven so that the next day when they come into work it’s

16:40ready to go people can make that connection to oh that’s why I have to

16:46clear my task list clear my inbox clear all these things so I have a clear State

16:51of Mind as I go home and enjoy my enjoy my

16:56freedom um it’s these stories people can relate to I love that because I think

17:01you it’s the one thing that connects us all globally relevant of our age our race our gender our culture um is we all

17:09teach and we all learn through stories we’ve been doing it since the caveman um stories and the and the hieroglyphics so

17:16it’s like when we put it into a story it makes it accessible and once we make accessible then people can run with it

17:23so the glaze drifts doesn’t it oh it’s not as scary as I thought it was

17:29actually it is you it is just really simple and I love that you share stories with food because that you my my go-to

17:36freedom place is cooking it’s like you know everything anything’s getting really tough I’ll get I’ll go and bake

17:42something or cook something that this uh this just came to me uh the glaze over

17:48your eyes becomes the glaze over a pastry and you’re like o I want

17:55that it’s it’s so true though isn’t it because we you know I often use the analogy that says you if you’re baking

18:01something H if you miss out an ingredient you’re ain’t going to taste for is it particularly if you miss out

18:08one of the most important ingredients which kind of got me thinking about one of things we ched about earlier about

18:14the five recipes um because if you’re not following those then you ain’t G to have a um a good meal at the end of it

18:22are you so could you share with us a little bit more about what they are yeah so the there are five recipes in every

18:30organization and having these will help you become a million-dollar machine the

18:35first one is the transformation and when I say transform it can mean many things and many to many people it’s the client

18:43transformation is what is the offer that you are delivering to the clients that

18:48they can experience a transformation from A to B there’s usually a set of steps that are required to do that uh

18:56onboarding call a couple of sessions you’re producing some sort of reports or you’re delivering some sort of service

19:03you’re collecting feedback you’re iterating on that product you’re closing and you know that is the transformation

19:09takes them from A to B it’s just like when you are cooking a dish there is a set of steps that any chef follows a

19:17procedure and so having Clarity over that allows you to uh Now train people train other

19:24people to deliver that transformation it doesn’t need to be the founder every single time the second one is uh connection and

19:33connection is having that deep awareness over all of your relationships in your ecosystem because people think of people

19:41think of like oh who are the connections I want to have and they’re like oh all my clients I need more clients I need more clients they just keep thinking

19:47client client client client but they can reshape that and say oh if I connect

19:52with uh referral Partners or resellers or distributors or podcast hosts or

19:58community members nonprofits these are all different connections that can actually amplify your reach to clients I

20:06can create one strategic partnership and unlock a hundred clients from that one

20:11relationship and so opening yourself up to different types of connections and using tools like a CRM

20:18to keep track of those connections the third one is

20:24communication it is the the telling of your story of your message of what it is

20:30that you are doing communication is done on social media on emails on uh webinars

20:36on platforms on podcasts just like this one and it is used to amplify that

20:42message so that more people hear it so that you in turn increase connections which increases transformation which

20:49everything feeds on each other and when when you think of these first three

20:54recipes every business says that they are very familiar with that we do marketing we we deliver Transformations

21:02we have sales teams we you know we do all this stuff but what sets organizations apart

21:10there’s a statistic recently in the US uh small business administration where

21:16they said like 80% of small businesses which they Define as businesses below

21:21500 employees uh 80% of them are solar preneurs and I don’t know what this is

21:28like in the UK or in Europe but most people like like working by themselves

21:34and I say I don’t know if it’s they like it or they don’t like it I just think they don’t know how to actually build a

21:42company they don’t know how to build an organization and so the fourth recipe is organization and organization is when

21:48you when you think about earlier we were saying oh you do sales and you do it and you do HR organization is actually

21:54building out these teams aligning these teams with tactics which are the playbooks how they do things and

22:00then implementing tools so that you could accelerate that it’s it’s the meetings it’s the reviews it’s all of

22:07the mechanical aspects of building a business and most people say oh man the

22:14machine that’s like that’s the part that that I’m scared about but um when you

22:20can hire a group of people to help you do that when you can hire a group of people whether they’re Consultants

22:27contractors advisor investors um you can now create an environment where everyone can actualize

22:35as a person and that’s the fifth recipe actualization so when there’s a team of

22:40people where they are also personally multiplying their own revenue and maximizing their own Freedom inside of

22:47of a company now you have a recipe for a million dollar machine like this is a

22:54company that delivers Transformations is continuously building connections communic the message continuously

23:00getting more efficient and a great place to work for that’s an amazing asset that

23:06that entire Society can benefit from so

23:11those are the five recipes I love it and it’s it’s so true when we build that that’s great you mentioned about you

23:17know the number of solo prets and and it’s very similar over here in in the UK and Europe but I think for me one of the

23:23things I found in chatting to a lot of them is when you really dig into is

23:28because you like working on your own that comes down actually more to um a

23:34fear of increased responsibility because as entrepreneurs when we first set up

23:40you are trusting your own ability to be able to build the business but also to

23:45be able to pay rent pay your mortgage look after your family live your life um

23:50so because it’s on you isn’t it it’s down to just you and one of the stumbling blocks I see with people is

23:56when they first go to hire the first person person on the team they feel that their responsibility doubles because now

24:02actually they still think it’s on them to ensure that actually now both of you can eat and it’s like well actually know

24:08this is about giving people some responsibility to help the business grow

24:13so actually yes there’s two mouths to feed but there’s also two pairs of hands to do the work correct it’s changing

24:20that part of that of that fear element is next fear is often the thing that holds us all back from

24:27making any in roads forward even if that fear isn’t very plausible um it feels so

24:35real and it can be the the thing that we we’re like well I’ll just do it when um so I know we’ve chatted throughout that

24:42you know systems could be the thing that people put on their pending pile because it’s like just too scary but where can

24:49entrepreneurs start with systems where’s an easy place for them to go

24:54so I think the first system entrepreneurs must start with and when I say everyone says

25:02system system but what does that mean a system is just uh aligning you know who

25:07does what with what tools so the first system is is that transformation yeah is

25:14that core offer that they deliver to people because you know what good is it to

25:21improve my sales process if I go from you know two clients to 10

25:28clients if I don’t know how to deliver yeah that that

25:34service so people can start like with absolute Clarity on okay what is that 25

25:41step checklist to deliver the service okay now I’m very clear on it

25:47now I personally can deliver it let’s say five times if I want to do it 10 times maybe

25:56you know I do need to bring a second set of hands yeah um and it doesn’t have to

26:01be full-time it doesn’t have to be oh my God a another full-time M you know part-time everyone can do things

26:07differently but now you know I can you know this is what it takes to deliver 10

26:13clients so starting with that transformation I love that because that really simple step allows you to work

26:19out at what point you know I often get asked this question you know when do you

26:24when do you start to recruit so you know where where do you where did you put that so having that Clarity on

26:30transformation that you’ve just talked about where you go well I know I could do five but to get to 10 I need to do

26:35something outse so actually once I start to hit four I probably need to start thinking about bringing somebody in so

26:42that actually I’m not that maxed out at five I haven’t got the time to invest on

26:48bringing them on board and getting them ready for number six seven eight nine and 10 um so that whole system just

26:53allows people to have um better ability to appropriately

27:00plan because that’s often the thing that we don’t we don’t do we kind of get to the point we need somebody and then go

27:05oh now I need to find them but I’m maxed out and I can’t um so having that first part of the process must help people to

27:12better plan that yeah and you know I would say yesterday literally yesterday I was

27:18at an event networking and it was for earlier stage entrepreneurs like very

27:24earlier and uh someone gave me a huge shout out for the help that I’ve been providing them and during the networking

27:30breakout someone came up to me and they’re like oh what do you do and I started explaining to them they’re like

27:36oh okay cool um I’m not ready yet uh and I think that’s a recurring

27:42story that we all have I’m not ready yet or when I am X I will kind of like

27:51the uh have do be kind of thinking like when I have this then I can you know

27:58start this process and I just want to mention that every day is about improving like

28:07every day is about moving not 1% but you know creating

28:12these 10% 15 30% increases in your productivity otherwise you’re not going

28:19to achieve the escape Velocity that an early stage business needs to make it

28:26there’s just not enough time past three four five years to like make

28:33it before burning yourself out a lot of these solar preneurs they don’t they’re

28:38invisible to this overwhelm that we mentioned but they are burning themselves out or they’re not pushing it to the Limit and they’re solo employees

28:46they’re they’re not really achieving the growth that they want and so the people listening like you are ready today to

28:53start systems maybe not ready to hire a 50k coo or hire you know this massive

29:01but you’re ready today to take your own steps to being more efficient tomorrow because as you take these steps you’ll

29:08see in just 30 days you could be a totally different person uh when it comes to getting work done I love that

29:15it’s so true it reminds me an of um my grandparents gave me two bits of advice

29:20in life um the my nan was to make every day a school day so when every day learn

29:25something evolve that and my granddad’s was live each day as if it’s your last

29:31and one day you’ll be right and what I took from that was wow you you’ve got to

29:36learn in every day and you can’t put off to some unknown when this happens it will be perfect because we we don’t know

29:43what’s promised so all we have is right now and we have to make the best decisions that we can in that and I love

29:50your part there using that it is you are ready you are ready now maybe not to

29:55take on the world but to take the next step step um and I think for me that’s the piece isn’t it it’s like we we only

30:01have we sometimes wait until we can see the whole staircase and I think it was Michael Jordan that said you don’t need to see the whole staircase you just need

30:08to take Next Step which seemed to sum up um our chat

30:13today it’s been amazing I could chat to you all day but I’m conscious of time so

30:19how can people get in touch with you and get to work with you so the first step I

30:24encourage everyone to do is have Clarity over that future goal

30:31people say I want to make 300K and they’re at 50k today or I want to make a

30:37million and I’m at 200k it’s like okay so how are you going to do that like how

30:42are you going to break down the numbers of making a million dollars in Revenue

30:48so what I’ve created is this scorecard it is a very simple four question

30:54assessment I’ll tell you the questions where you are today how many clients you have where you want to go in the future

31:00and what’s your business model and through those questions they will receive their personalized scorecard uh

31:06They will receive a series of videos and um if they’re interested I’m part of my

31:11mission is to democratize transformation so I schedule I offer free strategy sessions for people so that they are

31:18clear on how they’re going to do that whether they work with me or someone else that’s fine but I want people to be

31:25clear about how they’re going to achieve their goals and so they can you can click the link below and uh fill out

31:31your scorecard and if you’re interested schedule time to chat amazing and so

31:36it’s been such a delight and all the details of how to get in touch with you will be in the show notes below um so

31:42anybody listening or watching I do suggest you get in touch and just give it a try without Clarity and without

31:48confidence we don’t stand a chance and the first step to confidence is Clarity I think um anesto thank you so very much

31:56for sharing such insight and sharing your journey with us I really appreciate it thank you Kim for the invite pleasure

32:04and to everybody listening and watching thank you so much for being with us today I hope you also found it useful

32:10until next time take care [Music]

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