Authentic Achievements with Special Guest Linda Fisk

authentic achievements with Special Guest Linda Fisk
Authentic Achievements with Special Guest Linda Fisk

From Bestselling author currently writing the forthcoming book Authentic Achievements – The 7 Secrets to Building Brave Belief, Unstoppable Sales, and Turning Your Leaders Into Talent Magnets for Guaranteed Sustainable Growth, this show features interviews with industry leaders and shares advice, stories and inspiration to help you achieve exponential growth personally and for your business.

In this episode, I am delighted to be joined by my good friend Linda Fisk. Linda is a multi-award-winning leader, keynote speaker, best-selling author, TedX speaker and university professor dedicated to amplifying and extending the success of other high-caliber business leaders.

She is the Founder and CEO of LeadHERship Global, a community of unstoppable women enhancing their leadership blueprint and embracing their power to be the best version of themselves- in work and life. In LeadHERship Global, Linda supports and guides ambitious, creative women to move in the direction of their purpose, their mission and their dreams with powerful connections, critical support, practical tools and valuable resources to show up, speak up and step up in their careers and personal lives.

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Full Transcript

Authentic Achievements _Linda Fisk

Hello and welcome to this episode of Authentic Achievements, where I am delighted to be joined by my good friend, Linda Fisk. Linda is a multi-award winning leader, keynote speaker, bestselling author, TEDx speaker and university professor dedicated to amplifying and extending the success of other high caliber business leaders. She’s the founder and CEO of LeadHERship Global, a community of unstoppable women, enhancing their leadership blueprint and embracing their power to be the best version of themselves in work and in life and in leadership, Global. Linda supports and guides ambitious creative women to move in the direction of their purpose, their mission, and their dreams with powerful connections, critical support, practical tools and valuable resources to show up, speak up and step up in their careers and in their personal life. And I know as a member of the community, just how invaluable that is and the amazing women that you have kind found as part of your tribe, as part of your community. So Linda, it’s always a joy to chat to you, but I know you, I’m very privileged. But could you start by telling us a little bit more about your journey please?

Yes, Kim. First off, let me say what a privilege and what a pleasure it is to join you on this incredible podcast because I will tell you that, you know, I’ve listened, I’ve been an avid fan since the podcast launched, and you have such incredibly intriguing guests with such incredible stories. It’s uplifting, it’s inspiring, and I just hope that I can do justice to this remarkable platform that you’ve created. So thank you.

Oh, bless you. Thank you. I can’t tell you how much that means to me and I, cause I know you so well. I just know that your story is so inspiring, even though you don’t believe it to be true yourself. To share that and that that’s one of the things that I love. It is your authenticity and, and that piece is saying, you don’t get to see what we see. And if only you could see what we see, then you would see it too. And I know that our audience are gonna just be blown away by you and your story. Wow. So

Thank, thank you Kim. That’s so kind of you. I will say that probably the biggest life lessons I ever learned started when I was a very young child. At that time, I was considered to be clinically shy. That means that I was unable to hold eye contact with strangers. Even when my parents urged me to look someone in the eye, shake their hand and say hello. I just simply couldn’t do it. And over time, I developed a pension for actually whispering my words at a pretty uneven rate of speech and repeating my words with a pronounced stutter. So what I found early is that social settings and high stress environments made it nearly impossible for me to speak. And as I became more and more self-conscious, the tension in my throat made it more and more difficult to even utter a word. So over time, my frustration with attempts to communicate led to kind of a hesitation or a prolonged pause before I started to speak.

And by the time I could utter a word, the conversation already moved on. So over time it was simply easier to remain quiet. And by the time I was in high school, I had the nickname Mouse because I was quiet as a mouse. And this hidden type of stuttering developed as I began to consciously avoid words or sounds or situations that might evolve some sort of struggle. I hid my problem from most of the people because I had developed a behavioral pattern and a coping mechanism that kept me absolutely vigilant at all time. And I remember in grade school, my father actually visited all my teachers prior to the start of any new school year, asking them to be sensitive to the fact that I was clinically shy with a pronounced speech impediment. He asked my teachers never to call on me in the classroom and that they refrain from ever asking me to solve a problem on the chopper board or face the class for a presentation, or really in any other way further damage my already fragile self-esteem.

So the emotional injuries from my struggle with stuttering became almost invisible disabilities that further isolated me. It made me feel more and more insignificant. I had tried monitoring my of speech, my breath, support my lar tension, but to very little effect. The words seemed to just get stuck, or I was repeating those words over and over to the exasperation of the listener. And so I found that stress and my speech pattern were interlocked. If I found myself in a high stress situation, a very socially intense situation, I found that my speech pattern included repetitions, interruptions, prolonged nation of words, sounds, syllables. But if I was in a safe space, which is one or two close friends or family members and very little stress and anxiety, sometimes my speech was actually quite normal. So that was maybe the first flag that I had that I wanted to give my friends and the people that I love, a safe space to share, to be able to be vulnerable, to be able to be authentic and genuine with no fear of retribution.

And by the time I was in college, I knew I needed to find a more effective way to manage my stuttering in order to have the life I envisioned for myself. By then, I knew I wanted to be in advertising and marketing because after lots of years of observing, listening and studying people, I had this sort of innate sense of how people seemed to be persuaded. How, you know, they seem to be motivated, what seemed to guide decisions. And so after years of being quiet and reserved, watching the behaviors of my classmates, I noticed which popular class rates seemed to be most admired, most respected, most charismatic, most well liked, and why. And I began to see how these classmates influenced and inspired others, how they persuaded people to make various choices. And I was fascinated by the key motivations that seemed to drive action and the common needs and desires that these persuasive peers of mine seemed to tap into. So at that point, I thought, I wanna give everyone a safe space to be their authentic selves, to be accepted no matter where they are in their journey. And I also want to be able to talk with others, influence others, inspire others, and help them along their journey. And all of that, I think where some of the early seeds for the development of lead LeadHERship global.

Amazing. What, what a journey. And I, I love that. Like, I mean if you look at you now and what you do, it, it, it’s so positive apart, isn’t it? I mean, you speak for a living, you create a community. You are one of those charismatic, inspiring, insightful leaders that inspire us to take action. And yet you had to overcome such adversity to get there. You had to face that fear and find a way through.

Let me just say it took four years, dozens of public speaking classes, speech therapy, counseling. I did it all. I did counseling, speech therapy, public speaking classes. And I graduated college having competed in several public speaking contests and winning several competitions. And from that first public speaking course where I actually fainted in front of a classroom of 25 fellow students to graduation, when I could present to an auditorium of more than 500 people. That was a study in both grit and grace. Grit was evident, my resolve and my stamina to reach what seemed to be an impossible goal based on achieving a life that I envision for myself. But grace was also made along the journey to accept my limitations, to be patient with my slow progress and my setbacks.

I love that it’s, it, it’s just brought to mind the serenity prayer. You know, that the whole God give me the serenity to accept that, that I can’t change the courage to change that which I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Cause it feels like that just sums up your journey. You had to, you had to accept in yourself at what you know, your slow progress at times, but have the courage to keep going, to keep finding an alternate way and to spot when it was actually a need for courage. And when it was a need for acceptance. Which is one of the things that kind of underlies, I think the great advice and support that you give to your community, is that real balance between grit and grace. Those moments where actually it, you need the tough love, You need the person to give you the no, no, we’re not, we’re not accepting those excuses now. But also the person who’s going to create that safe space where actually, you know, they can sugar the pill when you’re not quite ready for that of just yet. It, it’s that ability to know that you, you are safe to be vulnerable and that it’s okay to be vulnerable, that you’re not going to be judged. Because I think that is one of our greatest fears, isn’t it? That we, you know, that people will judge us and find as lacking.

That’s right. And I think that some of this is about creating a vision for your life, what it is that you want to achieve, and understanding what your definition of success is. You know, no one’s definition of success is always exactly the same. There’s always a bit of a nuance, and there should be because we’re all different. And so by clarifying what your purpose is, by understanding what your mission is, what your definition of success is, then you can clearly understand what the challenges are that you have to overcome. And you have to be absolutely dedicated to that vision. And believe me, I was absolute in my perseverance of effort, even when that effort led to painful, embarrassing, or humbling experiences. And I had that kind of mental toughness that’s often described as grit. In fact, Angela Duckworth, who is a researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, suggests that grit can actually defined as the ability to achieve one’s long-term plans despite significant challenges and obstacles.

And I gotta tell you, that’s a strong predictor of success. She defines grit as the combination of both resilience and self-control in the pursuit of goals. So first you have to clarify what those goals are, what the vision is, and then you have to be clear about what your willingness to pursue that goal is. Even in the face of obstacles, challenges, setbacks, and even failure that may take months, years, or even decades. Now, Angela Duckworth studies revealed that in fact, grit, their commitment to consistency of practice, consistency, pursuit, is actually a greater indicator of success than even competency, than even IQ or eq. It’s that sense of mental toughness that I think every leader has to have.

I love that. And it’s so, it’s so true, isn’t it? And we actually got a, I I’ve found, you know, we f we learn our most in our toughest times. We get the greatest lessons in the things that actually at the time don’t feel like much of a blessing. But looking back and you see the lesson, you see what it taught you, you see the skills that’s now brought to you and you realize actually it was being done for you, not to you. It was there to give you what you needed to reach your vision, to reach your goal. And I love that you, so you so clearly articulated why it’s important to have that vision, that goal, to know where we are going. It’s a little bit like, you know, if you get into, you think about your life being a sat nav, you know, the first thing you do when you, when you switch on the sat nav is tell it where you going. Cause if not, it doesn’t stand a chance of getting you there. And then you tell it where you’re starting from so that it, it knows how to navigate.

Oh, what a great illustration. I love that, Kim.

Thank you. And I think that’s what you’re kind of saying, isn’t it, is like be really clear where it is that you are going to know exactly what it is to be committed to that vision, to that purpose, to that reason for being, and then be really honest with where you are and what you need to do to get from where you are to where you want to be.

That’s right.

Of determination of grit. I love because you know, I’ve, I’ve seen it of people where you’ve got amazing iq, amazing eq, but actually if they haven’t got that grit, that determination, that willingness to keep getting up, no matter how many times you get knocked down, they don’t achieve the same level of fulfillment, do they? Because they’ve not pushed through.

That’s right. And in every area of growth, from your education to your career, to perhaps athletic training, it’s your level of mental toughness and determination that I think actually predicts your level of achievement. And in fact, Angela Duckworth said that grit is more reliable and a better, more accurate indicator of future success than any other determinant. Having grit is important because it becomes the driver to your achievement success. Just as you said, well beyond skill and knowledge, it’s really grit that is necessary to propel you forward, especially when you face obstacles, when you face challenges, when you face failure. And if you’re dedicated to achieving a long term goal and you’re steadfast in your pursuit, undeterred by the sacrifices required, that kind of mental toughness and grit will absolutely propel you forward. And I think you also have this, this sense of perseverance. We may have the talent, the abilities, the expertise to achieve greatness.

But without determination, resilience, perseverance, success is going to be elusive. Now, the good news is that grit can actually be taught this isn’t something you’re born with. It can be developed over time with practice. And by adopting a growth mindset, which you talk about quite a bit, Kim. And by developing the ability to persevere, you can actually see dramatic gains in achievement. Having the tenacity to pursue a goal, knowing that you have the ability to improve over time, allows for the kind of stamina that you need to achieve the long term goal. And it, for me, the key is to recognize that you know, your natural talent, your intelligence, your giftedness is simply unmet potential. But with the application of persistent practice, you can actually achieve higher and higher levels of success.

Oh, I love that. And it reminds me of, I can’t remember exactly what, where it was, I read it, but I read that a quote that is, you know, the, the top athletes, the the top professionals, they don’t practice until they get it right. They practice until they cannot get it wrong. And it’s that, it’s that kind of keep going, I think was Tiger Woods has changed his swing eight times despite being the best already. So his competition wasn’t external, it was internal. He believed he could still do better, he could still do more and kept practicing. And I love that as that kind of analogy. Because if we think about it, you know, in life in general, and in particular, if you pick the life of an entrepreneur, there are gonna be challenges. There are going to be times when you fail, times when you fall, times when you feel vulnerable.

But there are also gonna be times where you celebrate times where you get the success. And it’s getting the balance, isn’t it, around acknowledging that success, taking those moments and going, I might not be where I wanna be yet, but I got here. That’s great. And I’m gonna celebrate for two minutes and then I’m gonna move on to how I get to that next piece. But you know, you’ve moved into like a hugely entrepreneurial world and now created a immense community to support entrepreneurial women to ensure that they’ve got that support, they’ve got that community, they’ve got the skills and the access to resources that they need to be successful. Talk to me a little bit about how you started out on that journey.

Well, as I said, I think the seeds were sewn when I was very young. And I realized how important it is to have a safe community where you can be completely at ease, where you can be vulnerable and transparent and very genuine, very authentic in whatever you’re struggling with or whatever you’re celebrating, being able to have that safe, small community of people around you who will lift you up, who will cheer you on, who will give you objective advice and counsel would need it. Having that community around you is just such a key ingredient to success. Not only does it make the journey much more fun, it makes it much more meaningful, much richer, deeper. And so for me, I recognize the importance of having community around you where you could be safe and vulnerable and transparent. But then as I sort of advanced in my career, I had the good fortune of working for a couple membership communities, and I was in the C-suite of both of these membership communities.

And I saw all the incredible breakthroughs, both professionally and personally, that leaders experience when they came together. When leaders come together and they’re focused on solving a problem or overcoming a challenge, or being in some sort of alliance that has a multiplier effect that actually exponentially increases their rate of growth and scale for their company, it is tremendously exciting. But it’s also those kinds of advantages that most women don’t take, don’t take seriously. They keep their nose to the grindstone, they stay very singularly focused on the challenges in front of them. Whether they’re in a career and they’re working on sort of climbing the ladder, or they’re a mom and they’re raising children, or they’re a wife and they’re trying to be the very best partner to their spouse, they can be whatever that looks like. I find that oftentimes women deny themselves the opportunity to connect to a community where they have access to resources and tools and funding and media platforms where not only they get to clarify their mission, their vision, their purpose, but they get all of the advantages, all of the privileges of a leadership community.

And I find that that’s when women need it most, is when they are in the midst of building their career or they’re stepping into an entrepreneurial journey. They need to be surrounded with people that will be resources to them, that will provide them tools and advantages and opportunities that you’re not going to find, advertise and promoted in social media. You know, these are unique advantages and opportunities and access that you’re not going to find outside of a relationship with someone who is deeply invested in your success. But when you have those kinds of relationships where people are genuinely invested in your success, they genuinely want to see you succeed, then they are going to put in the effort and the time to connect you with people that can help you to be able to connect you to the tools and resources that will help accelerate your learning and your growth.

And that’s what we try to do at LeadHERship Global. We have, in fact, the CEO and founder of Pod Match who is going to do a workshop for us about exactly what you’re doing, Kim, creating incredible platforms for podcasters and for podcast guests to be incredibly successful. We have accelerator webinars on everything from how to become a public speaker to how to become a podcast from be incredibly successful with a purposeful and profitable podcast from the very beginning. We have 10 different round tables a month. We have learning and teaching about growing and scaling businesses, how to develop your own personal brand, how to be a very successful networker, how to get access to funding as an entrepreneur. Anything that could be facing women where they need help and support. We provide access to the experts, to the business strategists, to the leaders that can give them not just the information about that subject, but the connections that they need in order to take that next step in their journey.

I, I love it. And, and I see the, you know, I see the impact that it has, you know, when people are given that support, you know, they’ve got the, the power of the mastermind, those, you know, round tables, those small groups of people that really focused but have got the skills, the experience and, and the drive to be able to help there. And that balance of people that have already done, you know, been hugely successful and know what some of the pitfalls are to be able to reach back also and help with the people to climb over those potential pitfalls. Go avoid that one. I did that one. There may be a new one over here that we’ve not found, but that one I can help you with. And I think it, it’s right, isn’t it? As, as human beings, we are social animals.

We want to feel connected, we want to feel we’re part of something. And that’s probably one of the largest challenges for anybody when they become an entrepreneurs. All of a sudden you’re everything aren’t you? You’ve got this great idea and then you go out and you are it, and you HR and you and you payroll and your marketing and your sales, and you think, hold on, what, what, who supports me? And irrelevant of how large our organization grows as the ceo, as the founder. That where do you get your support remains a crucial element of your success. Because you can’t always get it from the people that work for you because they’re looking to you for that confidence that, that comfort, that you know where, where it’s going. But we all have those moments where we need some support ourselves, don’t we? Even if it’s just to voice it out loud, to be able to, you know, fi hear back what we’re thinking and, and find a new route through. So, you know, it’s invaluable that the, the what the community brings to people.

I love that. And you know, we talked a lot about the tenants of grit and incorporating grit into your approach when tackling any kind of worthy pursuit. It’s absolutely fundamental to a key success, but it’s also equally important to embrace the concept of grace. And in this definition of grace, I’m really referring to your ability to push towards excellence, but leave room for failure. And to really unpack this concept of grace, you first have to know and accept your own shortcomings, your own failures. You have to deeply understand the consistent themes in your life. They’re embedded in your past, they’re woven through your life story because they are the keys to your purpose and your future. You have to understand your limitations, your mistakes, your sh shortcomings, your failures, and really examine those recurring issues in your life. And by carefully examining your past, especially your failures, that will become key absolutely essential to knowing your value.

In fact, we’ve all heard that failure is often why, you know, extraordinarily successful people re achieve such heights of greatness. They learn from their setbacks, they learn from their failures and mistakes, and then they get back up and they apply these learnings to their next attempt. And we’ve all heard the stories of Walt Disney. You know, he was fired from a newspaper and was told that he lacked imagination. If you can imagine that. And he had no good ideas. This is Walt Disney. And Oprah Winfrey was fired early in her career as a TV reporter because she was unfit for tv. Can you imagine Oprah Winfrey being told that she was unfit for tv? And Dr. Seuss, my favorite as a child, his first book was rejected by 27 different publishers, 27. And we all know that Bill Gates was a Harvard dropout. And he started as a failed first business called Trio Data, I think trio data.

So I will tell you that we have all had setbacks, we’ve all had people tell us we can’t, we have all failed. I have heard, Linda, you can’t, you’re not smart enough. You’re not pretty enough, you’re not social enough, you’re not charismatic enough, you’re not knowledgeable enough, you’re not experienced enough, you don’t have enough expertise, you don’t have enough charisma. I’ve heard that a thousand times. You’re not smart enough, you’re not good enough, you’re not pretty enough. But true grace recognizes that lessons are often learned through the experiences of failure through a bad decision or a mistake and learning from it. So I would say even if you’re counseled that like Bill Gates and Oprah and Walt Disney, someone tells you, you can’t first know that you’re in very good company. And two know that even if you fail, you have the opportunity to learn from it.

So grace doesn’t remove the consequences or attempt to protect you from bad decisions, but it allows for the recognition of the mistake and importantly the forgiveness of the failure and the resilience to incorporate that learning into our forward progress. So I think of grace as something that is embodied. It’s an attitude, it’s a characteristics, it’s a belief. And as such, it has a contagious effort on others. It it’s, it has the ability to inspire others as a contagious effect on others so that they become more, more, they become stronger, more passionate, more dedicated, more determined to pursue their own beliefs.

I love that. And grace is something that you embody so beautifully and in what you do and what you say. And I think it’s, it’s right, It’s having that, it’s kindness, isn’t it? It’s being kind to yourself that the mistake happened, taking the lesson from it, not using it as a reason to not move forward. I think it was Thomas Edison that said, I didn’t find a way to invent the light bulb. I found 10,000 ways not to invent the light bulb, but he was still determined that it, you know, it could go on, that there would be an alternate way. And I knew with my little guys, but I swap lots of things with, with in bringing her up. We tell ourselves some of the most horrendous things, don’t we? She’ll compare and she like, Mommy, I’m, I’m not good at coloring. I’m like, Sweetheart, you’re not good at coloring yet, but look how much better you are at coloring today than you were last week.

And look how much better last week you were than the week before. How do you feel about coloring? I’m quite good, mommy, aren’t I? Yeah. So I say to people, yet is one thank you yet is one of the most powerful words in the English language. If we add to that, to the end of whatever it is we’re telling ourselves, it tells our subconscious brain that we want this. Finding the opportunities. Don’t close our brains down. Open them up and say, Okay, that didn’t work. But what can work? And as, as you’ve put, you know, some of the, some of the most successful people we know have had amazing setbacks. I remember saying in an organization once, it, you know, just about every self-made millionaire has been bankrupt at least once. So it’s not the failure that defines us, it’s what we do with that failure that defines us. Unfortunately, they thought I meant I was gonna take the company ba little bit of re miscommunication. I had meant it to inspire people to go, it doesn’t matter how big the mistake is, it’s what it’s getting up from it, it’s learning the, the lesson and it’s being graceful to yourself as, as you said, beautifully put about the fact that you got it wrong that time, but it was that time. That’s not an indicator of what’s gonna happen next time if we just keep going.

I love that Kim. And I would say, you know, that is such a cornerstone to your teaching, your training, your coaching is this growth mindset that we can adopt. And as you said, grace starts with you. It starts by clearly understanding your life story, including your consistent themes, and then making conscious decisions to push towards that excellence. Leaving room for failure. You know that your value is not based on your failures. You know your value because failure does not define you. In fact, failures are the very building blocks that make you stronger and make you even more valuable. And through grace you can begin thinking positively of yourself, even though for sure you will inevitably fall short of your expectations for yourself. But when that occurs, you can make amends for those you hurt. And at the same time, forgive yourself. You can and will do better if you allow yourself to.

And this gives you the ability to push other people towards success while also allowing them to make mistakes. So after all, people allowed us to learn from some of our failures, right? Some of our greatest lessons were learned certainly through failure and other people allowed us to have that misstep and still accept us. Other people allowed us to fail to have a short back or a roadblock or something like that. And even though we might have had setbacks, even though we might have had failures, people around us still cheered us on, still accepted us. So with that grace shown to us, we can show it to others.

Oh, I love that. It always, always reminds me of, one of the things I try and say to myself is, who do I love most in the world? And I’m very bias minds my little girl. If she’d made this mistake, what would I be saying to her? Well, and I love it a bit. So I would say like, let’s take the lesson, Let’s be kind to ourselves. At least you tried. And then let’s see where we go. So if I would say that to her, I have to say that to myself cuz we don’t teach people by what we say. We teach people by what we do, say and be. So if we are not living out, if we’re not living the same way that we are teaching, then it won’t lend. And I think you, you do that so eloquently to help people to realize that actually they can keep going this more. And we have had people help us when we’ve been in those places.

Absolutely. And I have to say that, you know, that’s the one of the biggest benefits of being in relationships with people who genuinely care about you, who are investing your successes. They will lift you up when you stumble. Listen, we’re all going to hit trials, tribulations, challenges, setbacks, failures. And when you are in a community of people that are truly invested in your success, who deeply care about you, that’s when they will take action. They will lift you up, they will connect you, they will take care of you. Because grace means composure and quiet confidence in your leadership. It doesn’t mean that you’re perfect or you expect perfection in others. Leaders with grace, look at any challenge and any opportunity in the spirit of abundance, embracing the idea that there is plenty for all of us to share and relating to those around you with an open heart and open mind. Grace is really a force for good. And when times are challenging, it’s gonna require courage. When a team fails at an objective, a manager may be tempted to denigrate or assign blame. But a boss that a, is acting in the spirit of grace, will take responsibility and they’ll seek remedies by finding solutions.

Oh, Linda, I love that. That whole piece around, once we get less wedded to being right and more wedded to the right thing being done, we open up an opportunity to really grow both ourselves and for our people, don’t we?

Yes, that’s absolutely it. Now, I think that grit actually determines that life challenges won’t define us or defeat us. It’s the toughness, the courage, the bravery, the resilience and the spirit that really drives us back forward. It’s, it’s sort of the, the backbone, the inspiration or, or I like to think of it as the steel nerve. The vision that you clinging to grit is where your perseverance meets your passion. They collide to create purpose and mission and vision and meaning by grace is freely given favor. It’s mercy. It’s a sense of generosity and kindness. It’s, for me, it’s a moral strength. It’s a favor, even when it’s not deserved. It’s understanding and forgiveness. Born out of really self-discovery and self-acceptance. It’s an undeserved, unmarried, unearned embrace of acceptance. It always turns, heads, opens mind, softens hearts, and leaves people in awe. That is grace.

Amazing. I I was about to say, if you could leave us with one piece of of advice, what would it be? But you have just, I think, delivered more than we could ever, ever hope for. Linda, I could chat to you all day. You are so insightful and you embody grit and grace and you provide both to your community for which, which as part of it, I am hugely grateful for. And for anybody watching you find your community, if you’re looking for one, here is a great one. But find that support. Find the people that are gonna lift you up, that are going to keep you safe, that are gonna be your thrive hive. They’re gonna be the people there to help you to achieve. If you could us with one last thought, what would it be?

It very much along that line, I have learned the transformative power of bringing inspiring leaders together to create opportunity to discover possibility and to solve problems. No one grows as a leader alone. You need a supportive, confidential and uplifting community of people that are dedicated to helping you along the way. And as you said, Kim, in LeadHERship Global, I now have the privilege of supporting and guiding ambitious creative women to move in the direction, their purpose, their mission, their dreams, their with, you know, powerful connections, critical support, practical tools because no one grows as a leader by themselves.

I love that. That’s so true. And we will have all of the details of how people can get in touch and learn more in the share notes. But Linda, it has been a joy as always. Thank you so very much for giving me your time, your insight, and your friendship.

Thank you so much, Kim.

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