
Authentic Achievements with Special Guest Dr Feliks Kravets

Authentic Achievements with Special Guest Dr Feliks Kravets

Authentic Achievements with Special Guest Dr Feliks Kravets

Navigating the Complexities of Cybersecurity: Insights from Dr Feliks Kravets

In the latest episode of “Authentic Achievements,” the host engages in a compelling conversation with Dr Feliks Kravets, a renowned cybersecurity expert and the founder of Cybersecurity Easycom LLC. This episode delves into the critical aspects of cybersecurity, focusing on social engineering and the human factors contributing to cyber threats. Dr Kravets brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, emphasising the importance of understanding the psychological tactics employed by cybercriminals and the necessity of education in fostering a safer digital environment.

The Importance of Cyber Hygiene

Dr. Kravets begins by highlighting the significance of maintaining good cyber hygiene, akin to physical health practices like handwashing and taking vitamins. Here are some actionable tips to enhance your cyber hygiene:

Stay Informed: Prioritise your time by engaging with credible cyber news rather than spending excessive hours on social media platforms. Staying informed about current events and potential threats can help you recognise and respond to situations that may arise in your digital life.

Privacy Awareness: Be mindful of your conversations around smart devices like Amazon’s Alexa, which can trigger targeted advertisements and suggestions. This awareness can help you protect your privacy in the digital age.

Regular Audits: Conduct regular audits of your online presence. A simple Google search of your name or phone number can reveal a wealth of information, including addresses, tax records, and even criminal backgrounds. Knowing what information is available about you can help you take steps to protect it.

Understanding the Landscape of Cyber Threats

Dr. Kravets elaborates on the various ways in which personal information can be exploited. Here are some key insights:

Data Accessibility: Individuals often underestimate the amount of data available about them online. This accessibility poses significant risks, especially when it comes to targeted attacks.

Phishing Tactics: Cybercriminals often employ broad tactics, such as phishing emails sent to thousands of recipients. These emails create a sense of urgency, prompting individuals to act quickly without fully considering the implications. Be vigilant and recognise red flags in communications that may indicate a scam.

Psychological Triggers: Cybercriminals exploit psychological triggers, making it difficult for individuals to think critically. Understanding these tactics can help you stay alert and avoid scams.

The Role of Education and Communication

Education is paramount in combating cyber threats. Dr. Kravets advocates for proactive measures and open family communication about online safety. Here are some practical steps:

Monitor Financial Accounts: Set up alerts for unusual activity in your financial accounts. This proactive measure can help you detect and respond to potential threats quickly.

Strong Passwords: Teach individuals how to create strong, complex passwords. Weak passwords remain a common vulnerability, so it’s essential to use unique and robust passwords for different accounts.

Ongoing Training: Engage in ongoing training and awareness programs. Dr Kravets’ organisation, Cybersecurity Easycom LLC, offers training sessions on various topics, including email phishing, voice phishing, and the creation of secure passwords.

The Zero Trust Approach

A key concept introduced by Dr. Kravets is the “zero trust” approach to cybersecurity. This philosophy posits that no one should be trusted by default, regardless of location or organisational relationship. Here’s how you can adopt this approach:

Verify Access Requests: Every access request should be thoroughly verified. This mindset is crucial in an era of increasingly sophisticated and pervasive cyber threats.

Assess Digital Habits: Regularly assess your digital habits and be mindful of the information you share. Fostering a culture of skepticism and vigilance can help you better protect yourself from potential threats.

Conclusion and Call to Action

As the episode draws close, the host expresses gratitude for Dr. Kravets’ insights and emphasises the importance of understanding social engineering and its implications for personal safety. Dr. Kravets reiterates the need for continuous education and awareness in cybersecurity. He invites listeners to reach out to him for further guidance and training, emphasising that his organisation is dedicated to helping individuals and groups navigate the complexities of cyber safety.

Key Takeaways:

Stay Informed: Engage with credible cyber news to stay updated on potential threats.

Privacy Awareness: Be mindful of the information you share and your conversations around smart devices.

Vigilance: Recognise red flags in communications and be aware of psychological triggers used by cybercriminals.

Education: Foster open communication within families about online safety and engage in ongoing training.

Zero Trust: Adopt a zero-trust approach by verifying every access request and assessing your digital habits.

By following these actionable tips and fostering a culture of awareness and vigilance, you can better protect yourself and your loved ones from the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats. Dr. Kravets’ expertise and practical advice provide valuable tools for anyone looking to enhance their cybersecurity and social engineering understanding.

Call to Action

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0:00[Music] [Applause]

0:07hello and welcome to today’s episode of authentic achievements where it’s my absolute Delight to be joined by The

0:14Fabulous Dr Felix creest Felix welcome H thank you for introduction

0:20great to um have you and thank you for an opportunity to talk to and to

0:25listeners oh it’s my pleasure and I know it’s going to be fascinating because we’ve already had a number of chats and

0:31I learned so much in all of them but before I get carried away and stuck getting stuck into that conversation let

0:37me share a little bit more about you with the wider audience who might not have had the privilege of getting to

0:42know you yet so Dr Felix Katz is the founder and head coach of cybercity LLC it’s dedicated to enhancing Community cyber safety and social

0:54engineering awareness recognizing the urgent need for improved understanding in this field Dr Kat aims to simplify

1:01cyber security Concepts covering essential topics like emails SMS phone

1:06calls passwords Ai and more with a diverse background as a senior executive startup advisor and educator he brings

1:14in valuable experience roles at AT&T the University of poac and numerous

1:19educational institutions holding a doctorate in business administration and a project management degree Dr Katz is

1:26committed to making cyber security accessible for all and I mean that’s quite a quite a journey that you’ve been

1:32on but I mean what a huge thing as as a m are you’re trying to navigate cyber

1:39security and all the all the nuances of that are you always always Forefront of

1:45my mind and I know we’ve ched about those before but before we get stuck into those can you tell us a little bit about your journey so far and What’s led

1:51you here yeah thank you thank you it’s a great question um before we continue I

1:57just want to say that thank you for all the C and I probably deserve very small portion of it because we only covers Cy

2:05not the whole cyber security but very very part small part of it which is social engineering I don’t want to take

2:11credits for being computer programmer which I’m not and we’re not helping with coding with application um we only do

2:20human factor okay so that is a very very small part of it but in the same time I

2:26truly believe it’s highly important because over 90% of all cyber attacks

2:31utilizing human factor you can make best programs in the world but people

2:38always um I don’t want to say mess it up but they will they will do something

2:44which will cause um the whole system not to properly work so we specifically deal

2:50with training people and uh companies and how to be safe in terms of social

2:57engineering it’s a human to human interaction it’s a attempt to lie or to

3:04provide wrongful information to pretend to be someone else in order to get your

3:10personal data um I believe it’s a big deal I was in education for many years and I noticed it’s issue not only with

3:18students with professors with administrators of major colleges it’s a

3:23um situation where criminals are getting smarter and smarter and none of us can

3:29really predict what they will come up with next so we’re all kind of um um

3:36following their steps in order to learn more and the only way to be ahead of it

3:43is to know what they’re doing and how they do it so we can recognize those threats moving forward I think it’s a

3:49huge deal and I try to make my little

3:55steps to help to this big movement of helping others which invol multiple

4:01organizations uh from government agencies to private um organizations and

4:07educational institutions to help all of us understand how to be safer when we

4:14turn on computer or pick up the pH it’s it’s such a big thing isn’t it and I think we get so scared of

4:21technology and computers and and what they’re going to do and and you where they could go but but you make an

4:27interesting point actually very often it’s not the computer but it’s the individual that’s interacting with the

4:34computer somewhere else so not the NG user but somewhere else that’s um

4:40altering how it’s supposed to work that causes the bigger problem would that have I understood that correctly sure

4:47sure that is exactly so human factor it’s us you know who pick up the phone and it’s our choice to trust when we

4:55talk into someone who saying I’m calling from the bank or not to trust and uh in

5:01today’s technology your cell phone will show color ID will show you bank and you

5:08know they have so many more technological tricks that we you know in

5:14many cases fall you know into their ways to get us no matter how educated we are

5:22is that I mean they can be so clever can’t they and then can look so subtle and um you know I feel I always feel

5:28very oldfashioned in the fact that I don’t respond to anybody I go back on

5:34check on the main web website and phone the number that’s on there which I appreciate probably makes me not FY

5:41doing um but having worked in financial services for 25 years it was the only

5:46way that you could guarantee you were getting where you were supposed to go because they got you know scams have

5:52have been clever for for you decades um even before technology got so clever

5:58people were always think thinking of ways round ways to outsmart ways to um

6:04you to commit fraud or to get information that they weren’t supposed to and I think Technology’s made that

6:10easier um for them but the the issue remains and it’s the human desire to do

6:18that that’s the biggest problem isn’t it rather than the computer’s desire to do

6:25that so so how do how how is it best for people to get started to even understand

6:31you because we’re starting to hear a lot about um cyber security but but less about the nuances of it as as evidenced

6:38by the by the stop um and it’s easy to kind of get it all limped into that one

6:44big bucket isn’t it it all sits in there it’s all cyber security but as you’ve clearly pointed out that there’s nuances

6:51of it and that that’s U as with most things the devil I guess is always in the detail so if we don’t understand

6:58that we can leave ourselves exposed would that be fair sure sure and it’s a very good

7:04point and um as I mentioned we cannot really understand 100% what another side

7:10is doing because they comic up with a new and more clever rcks no matter how

7:16smart we are no matter how much we read no matter if we work for the police or for federal agencies and spending 24

7:24hours a day to learn about all other tricks that criminals doing they will

7:31come up with new tricks as we speak it’s like a antivirus you know you can make the best antivirus in the world but

7:37while you’re doing this criminals will come up with new viruses and it’s a so

7:43it’s a it will always behind um of what

7:49criminals doing so the only way to kind of think of um the only way to be safer

7:58would be to change our own psychology to look at it with a through the prism of

8:05not trusting so zero trust approach zero trust is the the only way to be safe now

8:13in nowadays unfortunately like we’re telling to our children when they walk on the street if the car stops and

8:20somebody’s saying you know come here you know the child should not trust it

8:25should you know run the same way you know it’s a are we on the Internet or we receiving

8:32phone calls as adults and somebody telling us I’m calling from government

8:37agency from X agency from police from federal agency and you will be arrested

8:43or you have to pay money now you know what is a credit card number or you know somebody from your family members you

8:50captured by you know mob or Mafia and you have to pay you know so they coming

8:56up with all type of different tricks utilizing our um personal you know feelings and uh

9:04it’s it’s a psychological game of you know making us believe that family

9:10member in trouble or making us feel that we would like to donate money because it’s a good cause and uh or would like

9:18to switch and save money from one insurance company to the different insurance company and it’s last minute

9:24offer so um there’s multiple ways to make us believe you know it to uh to

9:33respond and to share our personal and financial information so and again we

9:39don’t know what next phone call can come up with and in with voice cloning a

9:46voice cloning you know people might hear the screams on the back which matching to family members voice to children and

9:53to you know spouses and you know so they com up all type of different rcks that

10:00really make all of us sensitive nice people to believe into that you know

10:07with no matter how um you know and again psychologically trying to make it very

10:13strong and very time senstive so the only way to do it to kind of get out of

10:20this line of communication is to take notes and to hang up no matter how hard

10:25it is uh not to believe and to to hang up and then make other phone calls to

10:32the bank or to the police or to whoever they claim to present to verify this

10:38information so um but zero trust is the major component of the

10:45industry professionals who work in this field as a main recommendation to stay

10:51away from um you know from those games and unfortunately those games now

10:57touching our children with a extortion they touching our erand um you know teic

11:05to be financial institutions and insurance companies so all our family members are targeted from children to

11:13parents and grandparents from businesses to random people on the street so it’s a

11:20we have all have to be in it’s a big business and people might be calling from other countries from countries

11:26where it would be difficult for local uh law enfor enforcement enforcement

11:32people to go there and to try to find somebody in middle of that specific country because it’s different law it’s

11:38different uh country there’s no way to really you know get there in 30 minutes

11:45somebody so there’s big calling centers operating in multiple countries

11:50specializing in targeting you know professionals and people in uh in many

11:56developed countries and they work in 247 they providing training they have hundreds of employees you know so it’s

12:02it’s a big business unfortunately it’s it’s amazing and I

12:07think you know you you talk about that zero trust piece and it is true you know I have this conversation with my little

12:13girl and and her little friends all the time um when they’re like oh if you tell them not to do something it’s like do

12:18you not trust us it’s it’s not you I don’t trust it’s everybody else that I don’t trust um because if you just

12:25understood how complex and uh and integrated and heavily layered it is and

12:31I remember um you they play on they play on fear of some kind that they fear of

12:36missing out or fear of somebody being harmed or fear of getting into trouble particularly if they phone up and say

12:43that they’re you know from a government agency or the police like you say you know immediately on the heightened fear

12:49that you’re going to get something wrong and get a fine or something that you know that that you should have done

12:54differently and that seems to switch off a part of your brain that listens to the logical what’s going on and how

13:00realistic is this situation into the oh my goodness what if that happens and then and then they’re driving into that

13:07fear is that what drives so many of us to

13:12um not be on our guard perhaps as tightly as we

13:17should sure sure yes it’s it’s a a great point and like I said no matter what we

13:23tell our children or our parents or grandparents you know when they receive the phone call or email email or text

13:29message in many cases it’s that’s not always situation where we tell them

13:35don’t believe don’t give your credit card information don’t talk to strangers it might be child who or somebody who

13:42put a child to talk to another child um and start from conversation like how are

13:49you you look cute where you from how old are you you know you at home alone and

13:54little by little get into relationships you know and then go through um you know all type of uh ways to you

14:03know to collect video data which later will be used you know against the child

14:10and um you know in United States one of those um top crimes that you know FBI is

14:17uh currently targeting called extortion where you know children get into you know claes or in team relationships

14:24through you know video channel oneon-one and then one of them is actually recording all of this and after uh a

14:31recording has been completed targeting another child asking for money or this

14:37video will be exposed in a social media in school so prior they have a little

14:43conversation a little relationships um a little kind of leading to say oh it’s

14:48safe to do it because we in different countries maybe nobody will know you know why not nobody parents not will not

14:56see us so they basically there is unfor for criminals Have No Boundaries

15:01nowadays they Crossing all red lines you know of anything human that we can think

15:07of in order to try to get this money and uh over 25 hits you know suicide kill himself

15:15last year in United States based on FBI data just because of that and um you know the this agency was trying to stop

15:22and I think over 1500 you know cases who were you know the monitoring to didn’t

15:27go that you know to that point but um it’s a big deal and unfortunately you

15:33know it’s a developed countries we work parents Working Day and Night children utilizing technology since they three my

15:40child one of my kids were three and a half years old he was still not party trained he was in diapers going to you

15:47know education institutions they gave him iPad so they give children technology

15:53prior to being party trains nowadays and um we you know we have to train them

16:01explaining them you know all the all those dangerous tricks and I believe

16:06that Educational Systems are far behind with doing this unfortunately not only with kid children but with adults and

16:14with seniors as well it’s true and children pick it up so quickly don’t they I mean I remember um my little girl

16:21when she was probably about 18 months and we were on the phone to my mom and dad and she she reached over and and

16:29expanded the picture so she could see them better it was at the time it wasn’t FaceTime or anything it was literally

16:34just their contact picture and I was like who shows that clearly she’s just watched she’s watched um other people on

16:42devices but but you’re like wower um so how do you what are some steps we can

16:48take to um to help keep our families safe to keep our children our parents in

16:54a in a more secure environment

16:59yeah it’s a very good question and um in addition to schooling system which we

17:05cannot change and schools have to you know get to the point where they should

17:10be told children from day one that uh you know not turning on the camera not

17:17turning on the mic not believe that you know the screen name is necessary the

17:23name of the actual person who maybe they know or you know previous neighbor or

17:28somebody’s child so to explain that there’s bad people who you know who are

17:34trying to get do bad stuff um so and um

17:40another thing is in addition to making kids aware that you know there is a bad

17:45people and they doing bad stuff and nobody can stop them to try to do it

17:50against them also to build try to build relationships to ask kids you know what

17:57how was a day you know not to tell them go do your homework you know and scream

18:02on them how come you didn’t do it yet you know get me your phone not to um reinforce this discipline which they

18:10really need but also be a friend and uh try to talk to them TR to tell them your

18:17own story maybe even make up make up some stories you to kind of lead them or

18:23explain them about this type of situation I wrote a few books on Amazon to or younger children you know of age

18:32under 10 on how to create your spw word and how not to turn on the camera and

18:38not to turn on the mic but um you know it’s much bigger and unfortunately Just Books would not you know help it should

18:45be communication it should be trust for children to listen and to um to

18:52understand and to um you to get a point and last I mentioned bad thing is

18:58everybody’s working so many hours and many children on their own and in if they have a cell phone in hands there’s

19:05no way especially many kids in the household there’s no way to for parents to know what each one of them doing on

19:11the cell phone uh and there all this m messaging systems and um video messaging

19:18it’s very difficult to control so building up this communication Channel

19:24with children um is a main way to to

19:29kind of um at least to have more chances to be

19:34told or to be aware of what is going on and to explain them you know what not to

19:40do yeah that makes total sense because I think like with most things when we’re educating ourselves or our children is

19:48it’s it’s in the consistency isn’t it of of the information it’s in keep

19:53repeating it so that we can get I’m not supposed to do that and here why and I I love that you shared about putting the

20:00stories in because that really resonates with with us whatever our age um because once we hear a story we can start to see

20:07ourselves within the story can’t we so we can it makes very complex things like

20:12um cyber security like social engineering um suddenly feel when I say

20:17less scary I don’t mean less scary I mean they start off they’re scary because they seem to be something you

20:24could never understand once you understand them in the way that You’ explained it they become scary because they’re scary that what could actually

20:31what could actually happen but actually you now feel a bit more in control and a bit more able to navigate some of those

20:40challenges yeah very very good point s and I just wanted to mention that it’s not only specifically related to

20:45children adults I also Target all type of extortion and sex tortion type of um

20:53approaches where people receive emails saying I saw you on a camera I monitoring a camera your microphone um

21:00you know there’s multiple spyware um there’s applications that we’re downloading on our cell phones assuming

21:08oh it’s free why not to use it and it comes with access you to your um mic

21:15access to your camera and uh we’re looking at the big people who own billion dollar companies in the United

21:21States when uh they making photo pictures sitting at home you can see the laptop with a little tape on a on a

21:29camera or say have a cell phone with a little tape on a mic and you will think like oh wow if you know if this people

21:36doing this you know they probably know what they’re doing um because you know not talking about government agencies

21:43but um hackers can easily get into our phone and our camera and our mic you

21:50know and a very highly easy nowadays and there’s no way to really you know

21:56control it or to know what happening yeah when we talk about ourself that is

22:02issue for big corporations it’s much more issues because it’s not I always

22:07saying attackers on cyber security is not that you you walk on a street and

22:14you realize you have no wallet in your purse or in your pocket you know because somebody stole it it’s not data is there

22:22when you log in everything is working so but attackers made a copy of this so

22:28it’s it takes time to for corporations to even realize that they is stolen you

22:35know because the made copy and they left so takes month and month of work of

22:41professionals to determine it in many cases it’s not happening for month and month until it happens so uh and

22:49everybody is targeted you know in United States the government agencies the federal agencies working on the top of

22:56the country data was hard the full data was you know was taken out

23:02as a as a part of the you know attack and you know what you know if we’re

23:08talking about a single user or family or small business you know we not we not

23:14we’re vulnerable and there’s no way to be 100% secure and safe but it’s still

23:20better to understand what is going on it’s like Health we cannot 100% guarantee we will never get a flu we

23:27will never you know get sick but you know if you wash your hands if you you

23:32know eat vitamins or whatever you do it makes you better so the point is of all

23:38of this conversation to make you up to speed and to spend some time instead of

23:43Facebook and Instagrams all my respect to social media spend some time and read

23:49cyber news of what is going on just so if something happened it might click in

23:54the head oh I read something similar so maybe that is similar case and that is a

24:00way to go yeah well it is isn’t it I mean educating oursel is is always King

24:05and I think you’re right you know often makes me smile that you know I’m I think

24:11I’m in a you having normal conversation with friends and things you might mention something and then all of a

24:17sudden everything that goes into your mailbox everything goes on all your social media is that thing you were

24:22talking about you’re like hello did you go um or you know I own up I’ve got a

24:28couple of alexas in the house because they work brilliantly um but the amount of time she pipes up in a conversation

24:34and goes I don’t know i’ help you with that and I was like I didn’t ask you to I didn’t say Alexa you’re supposed to wait for the command aren you um that

24:42just makes you think you know used to think years ago that that to your point earlier that Post-It note over your

24:49camera or the your Post-It note over your microphone were your paranoid

24:54conspiracy theorists but actually maybe they maybe they little more than um than we gave them credit

25:02for yeah yeah and um I believe I mean I believe it’s back to

25:081999 the CEO of some Microsystems um at that time I think his

25:14name is Scott McNelly he said you have no privacy anywhere get over this at

25:20that time you know people were really upset that he said it because you know that time United States everybody was

25:25talking about privacy and you know this and that but if you think about it we

25:30don’t have any privacy nowadays and uh you know your cell phone with your mic is you know Target for attackers to you

25:39know to access it video camera and our GPS where we see ourself on a GPS anybody who hug the system can see

25:46ourself too you know my intern maybe our children location with GPS that they have everybody can do the same you know

25:53we have phone conversations people can listen if they ho it in email systems log in so um but my point is just to

26:03monitor what is going to with your financial parts and with your family members to sign up for you know system

26:10to be alarmed if somebody take money or you know pay bill or balance the changes

26:17on your checking card or on a credit card you know to have ability to communicate to Children see where they

26:24are and you know tell them let let us talk to your friends and see how you WR

26:29it you know let me help you you know or you know try to kind of monitor things

26:35around and um that’s probably the best way to to do it but assumption that

26:41people don’t know something about us is completely uh fa you know it’s if you

26:47leave in United States you Google your first last name I mean I’m telling my students have have Google your first

26:53last name where Google your phone number or your email address even without pay

26:58think you know5 $10 you can just find almost anything about you where you live

27:04how much you taxes you pay for your house your family where you work your email your age you know and if you pay a

27:13few dollars you can get background check you know marriages divorces criminal

27:18background check it’s a you know all information is available for sale just

27:23for a few dollars just um so if if somebody’s targeting someone else own

27:29purpose specifically it’s almost impossible to really uh catch you know

27:35this but majority of attackers don’t do don’t do Targets on a specific person

27:41except if as a CEO or major company normally they just send multiple emails

27:46through hundred of thousand emails with saying hello without your name on it and

27:52saying oh you will be arrested or your balance on a check account or you know your bill was not you know crit card was

27:59bounced so they so look for those um when you get this typ communication look

28:05for those red Flex maybe you know stressing you to make decision

28:10immediately you know offering different phone number from One on a website and

28:16uh not to follow those stressful pushes to make decisions

28:21ASAP that is such great advice Dr Felix and I’ve I always do learn so very much when I chat with you I question running

28:29running out of time so how do people um get in touch with you and work with you and and who is it you

28:36help oh thank you thank you for this question so we basically coach um

28:41individuals and groups on the Cyber safety so we have different topics for

28:47each U training session um one can be email fishing through email and can be

28:55fishing through phone calls and uh voice fishing um voice cloning links and fake

29:02websites uh passwords which is biggest thing you know [Music]

29:09um thousands of people have password which is what password or one to three

29:14four five six or so um we train people to make passwords you know more complex

29:21and secure so um we do it remotely and locally in person as well um so the best

29:27way to um get us doing this is to email me at info cybercity it’s on

29:37our website cybercity or to call using number there as

29:42well um and uh we will be happy to work with senior facilities with businesses

29:49with individuals uh with education institutions training teachers how to

29:55teach those courses to students uh um anybody who is interested will be happy

30:01to to copyright and to work together amazing thank you so much and

30:07obviously we will make sure that all those details are available in the show notes below so that people can easily um

30:14get in touch with you and and um work through how do they find their way through the maze that is um social

30:22engineering and find their way back to safety um Dr Felix it’s been a pleasure

30:28as always I look forward to next time and thank you for coming on and sharing your Insight and giving us more more

30:35understanding and more education into into what is social engineering why it’s

30:41important and why we should learn more about it so thank you thank you very much for inviting me and stay safe

30:48always check and utilize your trust approach thank you absolutely until next

30:54time everybody thank you so much


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