I’m not enough – the lies we tell ourselves

I'm not enough.  The Lies We Tell Ourselves

I’m Not Enough – The Lies We Tell Ourselves

Over the past few years, I have been working with myself and others to understand and then tame our inner beast to free ourselves of our Imposter Syndrome finally.

As part of this work, I found that there is a common lie we tell ourselves, and understanding allows you to recognise the key triggers to alert you that your imposter is alive and well and trying to take control and quash your dreams.

By sharing my story and the key triggers, you will be able to identify them for yourself and be armed to tame your beast and move forward into your future.

Reflections on my journey

I am sat in a busy cafe, surrounded by people talking, laughing and getting on with their lives. I wonder briefly what they think when they see me sat on my own; hiding behind the props of the modern world, laptop open, phone on the side and poised trying to gather my thoughts.

When anyone looks my way I smile and then put my head down and get back on with my thoughts, lost for a moment in the memory of my morning, of the giggles with Scarlett as we got ready for the day ahead. The sheer joy hearing her laugh and the squeals of delight as we yelled ‘I love You’ at each other while we played peek a boo.

Then that heartbreaking and heartwarming moment when she stopped walked up to me a gasped ‘mummy you’re beautiful’ wow my heart stopped for a second as I sit here the tears are welling in my eyes at the memory—the honesty of her answer. The absolute knowledge that to her I am beautiful, I am enough, I am loved.

Imposter Syndrome is alive and well

Of course, I know I am loved, not just by her but by my amazing family and friends, what strikes me is that for the longest time the one person who didn’t love me, was me.

It cuts deep when you say it out loud; I don’t love myself, I am not good enough, I’m not really sure I like myself sometimes.

My Imposter syndrome is alive and well and fighting for control, not unusual; many people struggle to tame their inner beast, the demon that invades their thoughts and tries to dampen their dreams.

The biggest lie we tell ourselves

That brings me to the common lies, we think there are lots, but it all boils down to three little words I’m not enough. This is perhaps the most common, that inner voice that keeps saying you aren’t enough of something, be that smart enough, rich enough, pretty enough, charismatic enough. In a society that is almost suffocating on it compares and despair culture, we find ourselves comparing our lives to others and coming up short. This is the biggest of the lies; we are faced with the seemingly perfect world of our peers, celebrities, heroes, the world portrayed on social media. That world isn’t real; it is the airbrushed output of reality.

How to find your unfair advantage.

 To quote a friend of mine Phil Argent, I found my unfair advantage, a weapon in my arsenal to fight the beast and regain control. I found it about 18 months ago, at one of the worst moments of my life. I was facing surgery, terrified that I might not see my little girl grow up, and my marriage ended as my husband had an affair. I thought my world had crumbled and it was all my fault because I wasn’t enough, I wasn’t lovable, I didn’t deserve to be happy. Many a night I berated myself for my many failings, at my lowest ebb I wrote a letter to my daughter, in case I didn’t make it through the surgery, a letter to try and give her the advice and love I wanted to share in our life together. To say it was a sobering moment is perhaps one of the biggest understatements of my life. I sat and thought about where to start, what did I want to say, what advice did I want her to have to ensure she always knew how proud I was, how loved she is, how kind and gentle and loving, the impact she already had on the world and would go on to have.

Whose voice is that?

I crept into her room to sneak a peek at her, listening to her gentle snores, watching her breath, and a thought hit me so hard I think for a second, my heart stopped. I realised at that moment that the voice we use to talk to ourselves is the one we teach our children to speak to themselves. Just think about that for a moment, would you ever want your children to talk to themselves like you do?

Our children learn not just by what we say, but by what we do and I realised at that moment that given a chance I would do everything I could to ensure that voice never became the one in Scarlett’s head.

I went back downstairs and wrote her the letter, shared all my hopes and dreams, my love, and the fact that no matter what happened I would always be on her side, always be proud, always love her. Everyone who knows me knows I love a quote, for once this quote is mine, it came from that letter, and it keeps me grounded. “Dream big, be kind, stay curious and believe, because you are proof that miracles happen,” I wrote it for Scarlett, and then I realised it was true for us all, we are all someone’s miracle.

If I can, so can you.

 I was fortunate, I got through the surgery, I rebuilt our lives, and I did so because of my unfair advantage, Scarlett, whenever my inner beast tries to take charge, I ask myself what would, I want Scarlett to say to herself at this moment, and I make that my voice in my head.

Tools for your arsenal.

 The next time your inner voice says you not enough ask yourself.

Whose voice is that anyway?

Why are they talking/ What is their purpose?

What would I say to my child, best friend, sibling or parent if I heard them talk about themselves like this?

Taming the beast

By reframing your thinking, you can move past the lie, and the inner beast that has controlled you for so long suddenly won’t be so scary anymore. As the quote says “You are too smart to be the only thing standing in your way.”

And so I am brought back to that café, back to reality, ready to get on with my day. I look back down at my laptop and start to write……

…..I hope this has helped, and if would like to hear more about my journey and how it can help you in overcoming your imposter syndrome and taming your inner beast you might want to join me Kim Adele

Published by

Kim-Adele Platts

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Kim-Adele Platts

International speaker, Executive coach and mentor, Non -Executive Director, Empowering you to gain confidence and live your best life
Published • 1mo
My recent blog on overcoming hashtagimpostersyndrome and taming your inner beast. We all have moments of self-doubt, concerns we are not enough. I hope these simple techniques help you to reframe your thinking. hashtagmindset hashtagleadership hashtagleadershipdevelopment hashtagkimadele hashtagbelieveinyourself hashtagtransformationalleadership

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