Business Growth Tips After Lockdown. ( Kim Adele )

Business Growth Tips After Lockdown. ( Kim Adele ) What Eli Fashion lover had to say: ► ABOUT THIS CURRENT EPISODE In this episode, I will be having a chat with Kim Adele. Kim Adele is a Legacy Leadership and Business Coach, she will be sharing with us a couple of tips relating to business… Continue reading Business Growth Tips After Lockdown. ( Kim Adele )

Global Futurist Podcast

Global Futurist Podcast. Future Podcast was created by Neil Skehel alongside his businesses and where he met hosts Kim-Adele Platts (Judge at the awards) and Luke Murfitt (Winner of entrepreneur of the year) The mission of The Global Futurists Podcasts is to provide engaging interviews with specialists from around the world who can… Continue reading Global Futurist Podcast

I’m Not Enough. The Lies we tell ourselves. How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

My recent article in mamalife I’m Not Enough. The Lies We Tell Ourselves. How To Overcome Imposter Syndrome Over the past few years, I have been working with myself and others to understand and then tame our inner beast to free ourselves of our imposter syndrome, finally. What is imposter syndrome? According to Wikipedia, ‘Impostor… Continue reading I’m Not Enough. The Lies we tell ourselves. How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Are you facing a restructure?

Are you facing a restructure? As we continue to navigate the emerging world, many businesses are in the unfortunate position of having to downsize. Are you facing a restructure? Are you concerned about how you handle it with kindness? Are you worried about retaining key talent? If these resonate with you, please get in touch,… Continue reading Are you facing a restructure?

Meet The Authors of Women Leading

Meet the authors of Women Leading Meet the authors sharing their journey and their thoughts on the book. If you enjoyed this you might like to check out my YouTube channel or look at me blog.

Women Leading – My second co-authored international best selling book

So excited to be launching my second International best selling book on Women Leading. You can grab your copy below.

Remote Working – My first co-authored international best selling book

You can grab your copy below.

How to overcome overwhelm even in lockdown – My top 7 secrets to a positive mindset

How To Overcome Overwhelm Even In Lockdown – My Top 7 Secrets To A Positive Mindset With all the current uncertainty and turmoil in the world, people are searching for answers; resulting in an increasing sense of overwhelm.  The lack of certainty & rising panic as a result of the things we are seeing; and… Continue reading How to overcome overwhelm even in lockdown – My top 7 secrets to a positive mindset

Amplified customer experience 90 to Thrive Interview

Amplified Customer Experience 90 To Thrive Interview Here is what Janelle Mansfield of Amplified Customer Experience said: Kim Adele Platts shares her perspective on what makes you thrive while working remotely. She recently co-authored the Amazon best-selling book: Remote Working. Published by Writing Matters and Andrew Priestley. Additionally, she contributed to the blog post about… Continue reading Amplified customer experience 90 to Thrive Interview

I’m not enough – the lies we tell ourselves

I’m Not Enough – The Lies We Tell Ourselves Over the past few years, I have been working with myself and others to understand and then tame our inner beast to free ourselves of our Imposter Syndrome finally. As part of this work, I found that there is a common lie we tell ourselves, and… Continue reading I’m not enough – the lies we tell ourselves